7 Great Moxon Antenna Projects for HF Bands

Homemade Moxon Antennas for HF Bands

Moxon Antennas

A collection of seven projects of Moxon Antennas for Ham Radio HF Bands.

The Moxon antennas also known as Moxon Rectangles are two elements beam antennas, based on a simple design, similar to Yagi antennas, but with bent elements and without the director.

VHF and UHF Moxon antennas are very popular thanks to the easyness of construction and portability, while HF models are very uncommon, but still interesting to homebrew.

Here below some monoband and multiband HF Moxon antenna projects:

If you are interested on Moxon Antennas, don’t miss our Moxon Antenna projects category

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    • It depends on how small you need. Moxon Antennas are basically Yagi with folded radiator and reflector. The higher the frequency the smaller the Moxon.

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