50,006.0  MHz

After request of Qatar Amateur Radio Society friends, I have built a six meter beacon for them. 
It is born also with help of IV3GBO and IK3NWX. 
After four weeks of work, now it is on the air from the roof of Sheraton Hotel in Doha Qatar. 


QRG    50,006.0 MHz
mode    A1
antenna    2 x 5/8 GP
QTF    Omnidirectional
power    7 W
QTH    Doha Qatar
a.s.l.   25 mt
status    24 h

Hear the signal:    15 Km distance

      1) IW3FZQ during adjustment of final stage.        

2) Internal view of  beacon.                                  


3) Frontal view.                                                      


4)  Rear view.                                                         


 5) First test on dummy load: 7 Watts output.     

6) Morli VU3MUV during antenna assembling.       

7) Connecting antenna plug and.....ON THE AIR!! 

