English translation.

    The AMTOR mode is a traditional mode used by radio-amateurs like CW, RTTY and ASCII. RTTY, ASCII and AMTOR use two frequencies which are filtered, each one corresponding to a binary digit (1 or 0). These two frequencies, separated by a shift, modulate the RF when transmitted and the modulation is called Audio Frequency-Shift Keying (AFSK), otherwise the modulation can be done directly on the RF carrier and it is called Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK).
    This mode is included into the software MULTIPSK by Patrick F6CTE, there is the description of this mode and its variants as well as the specifications coming from his software :

- AMTOR ARQ (called also SITOR-A for the navy (as a maritime mobile service system) or simply TOR)

Description :
Baud rate : 100. A character is composed of 4 « space » and 3 « mark » bits. A block of characters (called « Block 1 » or « Block 2 ») is composed of three characters (total duration: 3 x 70 = 210 ms) and a pause of 240 ms duration. During this pause, the receiving station emits a control signal of 70 ms duration to say « please next block » (symbol "ACK" for acknowledge) or to ask for a repetition of the last block, in case of erroneous character (symbol "NACK" for not acknowledge)
Speed : between 0 and 67 wpm (67 wpm corresponding to the 50 bauds RTTY) depending of the number of repetitions
Modulation : FSK two tones (« mark » and « space », "mark" high) with a shift between tones of 170 Hz
Reception mode : USB
Character set : CCIR476-4 (32 letters, 32 figures and 6 control, idle or phasing signals) with no error reset character (« fixed length » characters).
In SITOR A, the character set may be extended to the Cyrillic characters by using the character for « un-perforated tape » (third shift).
In AMTOR A, the character set may be extended to the ASCII characters (32 to 128) by using the character for the « un-perforated tape »
Shape of pulse : rectangular
Bandwidth : about 800 Hz (due to rectangular shape),
Demodulation : non coherent
Synchronization : automatic using the signal
Correction code : yes via automatic repetition and easy detection of an erroneous character due to the particular content of a character (4 « space » and 3 « mark » bits)
Convolution code : no
Interleaving : no
Pmean/Ppeak : 1
Note :   In AMTOR ARQ LISTEN, characters are tranlated the best possible way because no repetition can be requested. Therefore, receive quality is not generally very good.

- AMTOR FEC (called also SITOR-B for the navy (as a maritime mobile service system) or simply FEC) collective B-mode

Click on the copy of the screen in order to listen to the corresponding audio signal .
Description :
Baud rate : 100. A character is composed of 4 « space » and 3 « mark » bits. It is an uninterrupted stream of characters, contrary to AMTOR ARQ.
Speed : 71 wpm
Modulation : FSK two tones (« mark » and « space », "mark" high) with a shift between tones of 170 Hz
Reception mode : USB
Character set : CCIR476-4 (32 letters, 32 figures and 6 control, idle or phasing signals) with no error correction character (« fixed length » characters). Small characters are transformed in capital characters and special characters as « é »  are transformed in standard capital (in the example: « E »)
Shape of pulse : rectangular
Bandwidth : about 800 Hz (due to rectangular shape),
Demodulation : non coherent
Synchronization : automatic using the signal
Correction code : no
Convolution code : no
Interleaving : each character is repeated 5 positions later (that is 350 ms between 2 transmissions of the same character). This diversity in time allows the correction of an erroneous character. Its detection is easy due to the particular content of a character (4 « space » and 3 « mark »).
Pmean/Ppeak : 1
Lowest S/N :  about -5 dB
Note : There are 2 FEC modes: the collective B-mode (described before) and the selective B-mode (little differences as an inversion of bits).

Recommanded frequencies for AMTOR ARQ or FEC (OM) (USB, sometime LSB)

Same frequencies than for the RTTY 45 bauds (OM), in particular near from 14 075 KHz. See below.

RTTY 45 bauds (50 and 75 bauds - OM) in kHz
1 838-1 842, 3 580-3 600, 7 035-7 045, 10 140-10 150, 14 070-14 099, 18 100-18 109, 21 080-21 120, 24 920-24 929, 28 050-28 150, 50 100-50 500, 144 600, 144 800-144 990

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