send morse code


send morse code

31 links

Operating Modes : Morse code : Learning Morse Code
  • Seiuchy On-line morse code trainer - Seiuchy is a web based morse code trainer that can be used even offline once the page is loaded. Trainer can be configured to send call signs only or just part of a standard QSO, and a full QSO too. Answers are then compared and displayed and a score get calculated.
    [ Hits: 244 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 9.5 ]
Operating Modes : Morse code : Morse operating guides
  • Keys to Good Code - Article appeared on 73 amateur radio today in 1999 on how to unlock the secrets of sending precise Morse Code. Article contains hints on how use the stright key and the sideswiper key, but even the electronic keyers or the semiautomatic keys.
    [ Hits: 338 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 9 ]
  • FOC Guide to Morse Code Proficiency - This guide offers advice on improving proficiency in Morse code for those already using CW.Chapters include, Speed, Timing, Pitch, Swings and fists, Sending and copying better CW.
    [ Hits: 94 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]
Software : Android
  • QSOSender3 - Android App - An Android based CW practice program based on simulated QSOs. The app will generate Morse code sounds from 5-50 words per minute.
    [ Hits: 276 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 5.5 ]
  • 2 Amateur Radio Morse code practice keys Android App - Iambic and Straight key amateur ham radio CW Morse code practice oscillators for Android. This Android app gives you both straight and iambic CW Morse code practice key oscillators. Each key translates Morse code into English and CW prosigns in real time as you practice. Practice sending Morse code with a straight key oscillator. Settings include WPM, show/hide Morse code/text, choose sidetone 400Hz-800Hz. Adjust the WPM so that you can produce well formed DITs and DAHs at a comfortable speed.
    [ Hits: 351 | Votes: 4 | Rating: 10 ]
Software : Morse Code Training
  • Morse Code Trainer - Learn morse code on-line with with this javascript training script. Practise copying and sending Morse code using a scheme of sessions developed by CWops. A downloadable version for off-line training is available
    [ Hits: 634 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]
  • CWQSO - Send and Receive on your PC - CWQSO allows you to practice sending and receiving morse code in a real QSO. You can send CW via the mouse buttons or an attached paddle, the CW you send is displayed on CWQSO
    [ Hits: 1134 | Votes: 3 | Rating: 10 ]
  • AGWMorseTrainer  updated - A windows program to learn Morse code and doing QSO in CW. The training course contains 39 Lessons based on Koch method. It can sends only letters, only numbers, only punctuation
    [ Hits: 214 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 1 ]
Technical Reference : Arduino : Morse Code
  • Teaching Arduino to Copy Morse Code - Teach Arduino to copy Morse Code. This project will produce a sketch that can actually copy the code that you send with your key, and additionally it will automatically adjust itself to your sending speed.
    [ Hits: 86 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]
Technical Reference : Morse Code Oscillator
  • Morse Code Practice Oscillator - This project builds into a box into which you plug a Morse Code Key. Using the Morse Key creates realistic sounds so you can judge how well you Send. A great tool for beginners to improve Morse sending skills before going on-air
    [ Hits: 64 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]
Technical Reference : Raspberry Pi
  • Sending and receiving Laser CW signals with a Raspberry Pi - Sending and receiving text with Morse code light pulses across the room is a fun and cheap project you can do on a Raspberry Pi or Arduino or any other microcontroller. This post explains how I did it, and how you can do it too.
    [ Hits: 291 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]

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