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Best Links of the Week

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Best links of the week 29

Virtual Radar from a Digital TV USB Stick, Base Station, Morse Practice Oscillator, TS-990 Mars Mod, The first Amateur Lunar contacts , Globe-S min, Add SDR to SO2R, Kenwood Mic Compatibility List

Best Links of the week 28 2015

Multiband End-Fed Antenna, The 10 Meter Loop Antenna, Tuning Antenna Traps, Virtual Radar Server, VHF Yagi from Old TV Antenna, EFHW matching unit, SDRplay, Pennant Loop adventures, IC-746 Modification, ADSB#

Best Links of the week 27 2015

Best new links published on week 27 2015

Best links of the week 25 2015

A Broadband 80/160 meter dipole, Make Your Own Loading Coils, 2 Meter Backpack Quad Antenna, 20 Meter Moxon Antenna, RFD Antenna for 2m, Classic Multiband Dipole, How to Use an Antenna Analyzer, Short 80m center-loaded vertical, Resonant Feed Line Antenna for 40m, VHF Resonant Feedline Dipoles

Best new links of the week

Tri-Band J-Pole , Pretty Lousy - PL 259 Connectors, Low Band Receive Antennas, 80 meter Inverted L, Optimized 40M Vertical Array, The 40 Meter Inverted V Antenna, Digital Modes Need Calibrated Soundcards, 2 Meter 5 Element Quad, Try ARDF on 80 Meters, 5 element wire Yagi antenna for 20 m

Best links of the week

End Fed Half Wave Antenna Coupler, Field Strength Meter,End-fed wire antennas, the half-wave dipole, Universal Tuner Interface, WebRadio SDR, 2 element GP for 7 MHz, 1KW 6 meter LDMOS Linear Amplifier, 80W all mode VHF amplifier, KX3 Review

Best links of the week

Compact Multi-band Field Day Antenna, Six Meter Yagi Beam, How to put together an SO2R, CubicSDR, GNU Radio on Raspberry Pi 2, Hamnet on a Raspberry Pi, AIM 4170D Antenna Analyzer, Vector network analyzer comparisons, HA1AG SO2R Setup, Sporadic E Explained

Best links of the week

Fishing Rod Vertical, Raspberry Pi SDR Receiver, FM broadcast transmitter Raspberry Pi FM broadcast transmitter Raspberry Pi, How to make a gamma match, 160m vertical antenna, MFJ 259B problems , ADS-B flight tracker with Raspberry Pi, GAL-ANA Antenna Modelling software

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The DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio, currently lists 20.000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories. Ham Radio operators review new sites every day since 1998, for potential inclusion in the Directory, and to evaluate the best place to list them.

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