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High-Performance HF Loop Array: A DIY Receiving Antenna Project
This article details the design and construction of a homebrew two-element loop antenna array for HF reception. The DIY receiving antenna system ...
Moto-QRP Portable Weatherproof QRP Setup
Moto-QRP setups offer compact, weatherproof QRP transceivers for portable ham radio use, ideal for motorcycle and backpack operations. The YouKits ...
V73WW Marshall DXPedition
V73WW - Marshall Islands (2025) 160-6m CW SSB RTTY FT8 4 stations, QSL via DJ4MX ...
A simple, portable logger tailored for activities like
Parks on the Air, Field Day, and more. HAMRS is a fast, user-friendly logging program ...
DIY 40/30/20m Short Vertical Antenna
This article documents the author's journey in building, modifying, and testing a DIY short vertical antenna for 40, 30, and 20 meters, with ...
Easy Multi Band Vertical Antenna for HF
This article describes a simple yet effective multi-band vertical HF antenna design that performs exceptionally well across 80m to 10m bands. The ...
LoRa GPS Tracker Project
This article describes the implementation and testing of a low-power GPS tracker using LoRa technology in the 433MHz amateur band. The system, built ...
The Rooster-Tenna
Fully functional weathervane conceals an efficient 2-
meter base-station antenna. Your Neighbors and HOA
won’t know it’s there and they will ...
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Amateur Radio News Feeds
[ARRL] - Friday February 14 2025
ARRL Headquarters will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025, in observance of President’s Day. There won't be any W1AW bulletins or code practice that day. ARRL HQ will reopen on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 8 AM EST.
[ARRL] - Friday February 14 2025
NOAA reports a G1 (Minor) geomagnetic Storm Watch has been issuedfor 14 Feb, 2025. A coronal hole high speed stream is expected tomove into a position favorable for enhanced interaction between thehigh speed stream and Earth's magnetosphere. These enhancements arelikely to cause elevated geomagnetic responses, with G1 (Minor)storm levels likely.From Spaceweather.com: Another solar wind stream i...
[ARRL] - Friday February 14 2025
On February 12, 2025, RigExpert’s administrative office, in Kyiv, Ukraine, was destroyed by a Russian ballistic missile. All employees are reported to be safe.RigExpert is a leading manufacturer of antenna and cable analyzers and officials said they are committed to restoring operations as soon as possible.“Our top priority is the safety of our team and the continuity of our operations,” said A...
[ARRL] - Friday February 14 2025
A $10,000 grant to the University of Scranton, from the Frankford Radio Club (FRC)in Pennsylvania, will support the development of a contest dashboard that will leverage the popularity of amateur radio operator contests to benefit science, technology, students and Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation (HamSCI) community members.Through the grant, a team of university students, faculty, and FR...
[ARRL] - Friday February 14 2025
Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) in the Puerto Rico Section of ARRL The Narional Association for Amateur Radio® has signed a renewal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the American Red Cross Puerto Rico Region. The agreement establishes a framework of cooperation and a close working relationship with ARRL ARES volunteers.Both ARES and the Red Cross agree that, with the resources of ...
[RSGB] - Friday February 14 2025
The RSGB is delighted to announce that Samuel McCutchion, M7UEL, will be the RSGB’s Scout, Cadet and Girlguiding Youth Champion. Sam brings a wealth of hands-on experience to the role having been part of the Scouts from a young age in Beavers and then working his way up to Network. He then progressed to become […]
[RSGB] - Friday February 14 2025
The RSGB is delighted to announce that Samuel McCutchion, M7UEL, will be the RSGB’s Scout, Cadet and Girlguiding Youth Champion. Sam brings a wealth of hands-on experience to the role having been part of the Scouts from a young age in Beavers and then working his way up to Network. He then progressed to become […]
[RSGB] - Friday February 14 2025
Stations are on the air this weekend and next weekend for World Thinking Day on the Air. Listen out for them and encourage the young Girlguiding members. You can find details of some of the active stations via the RSGB website but if your station isn’t listed, please share details on the RSGB social media […]
[RSGB] - Friday February 14 2025
Stations are on the air this weekend and next weekend for World Thinking Day on the Air. Listen out for them and encourage the young Girlguiding members. You can find details of some of the active stations via the RSGB website but if your station isn’t listed, please share details on the RSGB social media […]
[RSGB] - Friday February 14 2025
Have you visited the RSGB British Science Week web page yet? Two new worksheets have recently been added to inspire you to get involved and showcase amateur radio to new audiences. The activities were designed by the RSGB Outreach Team to fit in with this year’s British Science Week theme of ‘Change and adapt’. If […]