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SuperFox Code Verification Site
How do you know that Fox is the real DX? If they are transmitting a verification code, use this website to see if their codes matches what they ...
Exploring Linux HF Packeteering with Direwolf and QtTermTCP
This article provides an overview of setup Direwolf and QtTermTCP for HF packet radio operations. It covers important tasks such as setting up a ...
The Porch Loop a small receiving loop
The small receiving loop (SRL) is a versatile and efficient antenna that can be simply built from common materials. It is designed for reception on ...
Adding an external keypad to the K3
Integrating a Genovation keypad with the Elecraft K3 is for anyone looking to enhance their radio setup. Author shares his journey from initial ...
Using a SDR as a RFI Site Survey Tool
This article explains how software-defined radios (SDRs) are used to detect and visualize radio frequency interference (RFI). In part one, Dave ...
Going Full-Circle with a Kenwood TS-520S
This article is either a nostalgic yet technical look on restoring this popular ham radio transceiver.
The author reveals personal stories about ...
VK9CV Cocos Keeling DXpedition
IOTA: OC-003 activation planned for November 01 – November 15, 2024
Operation modes: SSB, CW, RTTY , FT8, FT4, PSK
Bands: 160 – 6m, ...
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Amateur Radio News Feeds
[RSGB] - Tuesday October 8 2024
The RSGB is delighted to announce the appointment of two new volunteer Youth Champion roles. Chris Aitken, MM0WIC will be the RSGB’s School Youth Champion and Rhys Williams, M0WGY/AJ6XD will be the University Youth Champion. Chris is a Computing Science teacher at Wick High School, Caithness. Since 2023, Chris has been running the Wick High […]
[IARU R1] - Monday October 7 2024
Carlos, CO2JC the IARU Region 2 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator has relayed two messages requesting clear frequencies for our colleagues responding to Hurricane Milton in the Caribbean. Due to the proximity of Hurricane Milton to Mexican territory, the Mexican Federation of …
[ARRL] - Monday October 7 2024
Sunday, October 6, 2024 9:00 PM Eastern Update:Hurricane Milton was located just over 300 miles west-northeast of Progreso, Mexico, and 835 miles west-southwest of Tampa, Florida with winds of 100 miles per hour. Hurricane Milton was moving in an east-southeast direction at 6 mph and is forecasted to arrive near Tampa, Florida on Wednesday as at least a Category 3.The Hurricane Watch Net is mak...
[IARU R1] - Saturday October 5 2024
Alen Ruvic E71AR,Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator for Bosnia reports amateur radio is active in responding to severe flooding and landslides which have struck his country on 4th October. He asks radio amateurs to avoid operating on 3.612 and 7.150MHz on HF …
[ARRL] - Friday October 4 2024
Editor’s note: The following story was submitted by Don Gardner, W7PJ, ARRL Idaho Section Emergency Coordinator.On the evening of September 21, 2024, Greg Owen, WX7Z, heard an amateur radio emergency call on the VHF frequency known as the national simplex calling frequency, 146.52 MHz. Ed Clark, K7ELC, was calling to get medical help for a 51-year-old man who had rolled his four-wheeler. Mac M...
[ARRL] - Friday October 4 2024
The first weekend of October is when ARRL encourages local groups to hold the Simulated Emergency Test, or SET. Throughout September, ARRL shared materials about resilience through National Preparedness Month. Now, as entire areas are washed away in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, the utility value of amateur radio is more necessary and visible than ever. When disaster strikes, infrastructur...
[ARRL] - Friday October 4 2024
There is funding available to organizations for eligible amateur radio-related projects and initiatives, particularly those with a focus on educating, licensing, and supporting amateur radio activities. Youth-based projects and initiatives are especially encouraged. The ARRL Foundation grants program accepts proposals on a cyclical basis three times a year, in February, June, and October. Award...
[ARRL] - Friday October 4 2024
ASWFC GEOMAGNETIC DISTURBANCE WARNING ISSUED AT 0042UT/04 OCTOBER 2024 BY THE AUSTRALIAN SPACE WEATHER FORECASTING CENTRE.Two coronal mass ejections first observed on 01-Oct and 03-Oct areexpected to impact Earth over 04-05 Oct. Lack of analyzable coronagraph imagery makes arrival time predictions uncertain.INCREASED GEOMAGNETIC ACTIVITY EXPECTED DUE TO CORONAL MASS EJECTION FROM 04-06 OCTOBER ...
[ARRL] - Friday October 4 2024
ARRL® The National Association for Amateur Radio® is tracking how amateur radio is proving critical in areas hit hard by Hurricane Helene, especially in North and South Carolina, portions of Tennessee, and beyond. In the hardest-hit Asheville, North Carolina, area, homes and entire towns have been swept away by flood waters and mudslides. Over 200 people have been killed, and many more are stil...
[IARU R3] - Friday October 4 2024
A project for the HF Band Plan Committee that was started at the last conference in 2021 was to review the 40m HF band plan and explore what opportunities there were to improve harmonisation of the band plan across all …