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Regenerative Receiver 3.5 to 24 MHz
A 3.5–24 MHz regenerative receiver for amateur bands was recently constructed, inspired by a 1934 design. The project was both challenging and ...
Fram2, the first human spaceflight in polar orbit, launches spring 2025 aboard SpaceX's Falcon 9. Inspired by the polar exploration ship Fram, the ...
Portable Satellite Antenna: Innovative and Practical
An ingenious portable satellite antenna designed for the IC-705. Addressing its lack of full duplex, the IC-705’s Split Mode enables FM satellite ...
Lead Acid Battery Voltage Monitor
This project outlines a simple Lead Acid/SLA battery monitor, designed to alert users when battery voltage falls below 10.6V. The monitor, based on a ...
Lightweight 5-Element LFA Antenna for 2m
With increased ES propagation, this lightweight 5-element LFA antenna offers enhanced performance over the Bigwheel antenna's 5dBi gain, delivering ...
Compact 5-LED S-Meter with Calibration
This project features a compact, 5-LED general-purpose S-Meter, designed for use with various radio circuits. It utilizes the LB1403 IC, with ...
Yaesu FT101ZD DDS VFO Replacement
The FT101ZD DDS VFO project replaces the original VFO in the Yaesu FT101Z/ZD rigs with an AD9850 DDS module, providing enhanced frequency control. It ...
Simple 3.5–30 MHz Superheterodyne Receiver
A simple superheterodyne receiver (3.5–30 MHz) for amateur radio achieves stable SSB-CW reception using modern BJTs, an AD831 mixer, a 6-pole ...
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Amateur Radio News Feeds
[ARRL] - Friday January 17 2025
There are two great contests for amateur radio operators this weekend, January 18 - 20, 2025, and a bonus opportunity for a college club station to win a national championship. Whether you’re interested in contesting on the HF bands, the VHF bands of 50 MHz and above, or both, there’s likely a contest to fit your needs this weekend. ARRL Contest Program Manager Paul Bourque, N1SFE, said there i...
[ARRL] - Friday January 17 2025
Sorry to say this is the last ARRL Propagation Forecast Bulletin Iwill write. I took over in 1991 from Ed Tilton, W1HDQ when he wastoo ill and weak to continue, and now with ALS I have similarproblems.Geomagnetic influencers were more stable this week (planetary Aindex shifted from 16.9 to 10.7) and solar indicators were weaker.Average daily sunspot number changed from 159.1 to 103.3 and avera...
[RSGB] - Friday January 17 2025
The RSGB is delighted to announce that it is an official partner for British Science Week 2025, run by the British Science Association. The RSGB Outreach Team worked with the RSGB Comms Team to offer an amateur radio-related activity, and this will feature in the British Science Week Community Pack. This links with the Society’s […]
[RSGB] - Friday January 17 2025
If you are an RSGB member, have excellent leadership skills and would like to contribute to the amateur radio community, how about becoming an RSGB Board Director? Nominations are now open for applicants to stand for two Elected?Board Director roles. The existing Board is looking for Directors who have specific skills to replace outgoing Directors. […]
[RSGB] - Friday January 17 2025
If you are a member of an RSGB-affiliated club or society, the RSGB is encouraging you to check that your organisation’s details are up to date on Club Finder. The RSGB Club Finder allows people to search for local amateur radio groups. Those people could want to join your group, find out more about amateur […]
[RSGB] - Wednesday January 15 2025
A major upgrade to the RSGB HQ phone system is taking place today. We don’t expect any disruption to service during the works. But if you do experience any issues making phone calls to RSGB HQ today, please email the department you require instead. Email contact details for all RSGB departments can be found at […]
[ARRL] - Tuesday January 14 2025
DXCC® application processing is back to typical processing times.In October, we reported that the ARRL DXCC® System had been returned to service following work that was completed to ensure the security and integrity of the system following the cyber-attack in May. Over 4,000 DXCC applications have been logged into the system for processing since returning the system to service.We are currently ...
[ARRL] - Tuesday January 14 2025
Former ARRL and Yaesu employee, World Radiosport Team Championship competitor, and award-winning radio amateur Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV, has become a Silent Key. Motschenbacher passed away on January 9, 2025, after a long illness.Motschenbacher was first licensed at the age of 13. According to his obituary, “His Amateur Radio activities took him to 35 countries and his ham radio call sign, K...
[ARRL] - Monday January 13 2025
As the firestorms across Southern California continue to threaten millions of residents, trained amateur radio operators are serving critical volunteer roles to help officials spot fires before they get out of control. Dry conditions and wind gusts of 100 miles per hour have fueled days of devastating wildfires. Entire neighborhoods have been leveled by infernos.The Eaton fire burned to the top...
[ARRL] - Friday January 10 2025
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) assessed a record $34,000 forfeiture against an amateur radio licensee for “willfully and repeatedly operating a radio station without authorization and interfering with the radio communications of the United States Forest Service … while the U.S. Forest Service and the Idaho Department of Lands were attempting to direct the operations of fire suppres...