UHF Amplifiers
UHF Amplifiers
Site Listings
10 Ghz 1W Power Amplifier
100W UHF Linear Amplifier
13cm RF Amplifier
150W Power Amplifier for 2.3 GHz
23 cm Amplifier
23cm Power Amplifier
300 W Amplifier for 33 cm band
300w 23cm Amplifier
432 MHz 100W RF Power Amplifier
432 MHz EME PreAmplifier
432 MHz PA
70cm Amplifier
70cm KW Amplifier
A 1296MHz Amplifier
Bi-Directional 2.4 GHz Amplifier
Homebrew 1 Watt 2.4 GHz Power Amplifier
Medium Power Amplifiers for 24Ghz
1 watt amplifier for 10 ghz made from surplus stuff
Hits: 2063
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
This page details my building of a 100 Watt Power Amplifier for the 432 MHz ...
Hits: 206
This amplifier uses two 60w Spectrian amplifier boards with the usual input and output hybrid ...
Hits: 425
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
A home made project for an ATV RF power amplifier
Hits: 509
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 8.5
A 200 Watt amplifier for 23 cm band
Hits: 600
23 cm PA with Mitsubishi RA18H1213G
Hits: 389
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
This amplifier takes advantage of the proliferation of surplus cellular 26v RF boards
Hits: 336
The 23 cm amplifier pictured here delivers more than 300 watts with 10 watts drive ...
Hits: 1366
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
This article describes the construction of a 100 Watt 70 cm amateur band linear power ...
Hits: 262
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 9
432 MHz EME low noise amplifier Circuit components and image by Christoph Petermann DF9CY ...
By: Christoph Petermann
Hits: 9781
| Votes: 21 | Rating: 5.43
OZ2OE Technical Home Page - 432 MHz PA with 8874
Hits: 2649
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 8
A practical 70cm solid-state amplifier design capable of 500w
Hits: 728
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 6.33
1KW 70cm LDMOS amplifier project
Hits: 568
Two coupled PAs with each 2 times 2C39 deliver around 400W RF.
Hits: 785
Bi Directional 2 4 GHz One Watt Amplifier With Receive Pre Amplifier This will show ...
Hits: 322
This will show you how to add a RF power amplifier to your Proxim Symphony ...
Hits: 178
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 6.5
1296MHz M57762 * 16 Power AMP 16V 100A 1.6KW Input
Hits: 1178
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 7.33
By John Hazell G8ACE
Hits: 702
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10