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Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2423

K4SWL Antenna Plus, QSL Card creator, Beverage Remote Switch , A portable 3 element 6m Yagi, VDA Antenna for 30m, QRP Cluster,

Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2422

Reversible 40 Meter Moxon, Multi-Band End-Fed Antenna Design for Limited Space, FunCube Dongle HF Upconverter: Expanding Reception Range, 40 meters band beverage antenna, Reducing RFI from PoE Devices, Repairing a dead Kenwood TS-850S , The Reversible BOGs, Beverage Transformers for HF Receiving Antennas, Reversible RG6 Beverage Antenna , An Overview of Beverage Receiving Antennas,

Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2421

Build a Lightweight 15m Yagi Antenna: Simple Design for Impressive Performance, QSL Card Generator Online, UniBalun: Lightweight Balun/UnUn PCB for QRP Radios (1:1, 1:4, 1:49), ARJAN-5 5 band SDR, Creating a Custom IC-705 Paddle Mount, QLog, Icom 706MK2G Repair,

Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2420

Build a Simple VHF Dipole Antenna for 2 Meters: A Beginner's Guide, Mastering HF Communication: Decoding Space Weather Data, Prevention and Suppression of RF Interference to Audio Systems , Homebrew uSDX TRX, Chokes and Isolation Transformers for Receiving Antennas, Measured Data For HF Ferrite Chokes, 3 Element Quad for 50 MHz,

Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2419

Vertical bazooka antenna for the 40m, Ham Radio Frequencies, A Simple Morse Code Project: The Tiny Keyer, Spectrogram, T32EU Online Log,

Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2418

K6MM 160m Antenna Modifications, Versatile Field Radio Kit, Automatic Magnetic Antenna Tuner, Optimizing TX/RX Levels in WSJT-X, DIY Portable Car Whip Antenna, Hamstick Experimentation: A Day of Surprising Results, Building Your HF Packet BBS: Linux Packeteering,

Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2417

H40WA Log Online, Reliable Emergency Power: Solar Solutions, Down East Microwave Inc, Tuning OCF L-Dipoles, bcTool , TX5XG Austral Islands, H40WA Temotu DX Pedition,

Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2416

Magnetic Loop Antenna Builds and Autotuning Advancements, Hostilog, Evolution of Car Radios: From Marconi to Motorola, Mastering Magnetic Loop Antenna Control, DXTRON DX Cluster, W2LCW Long Island CW Club, IQ Output for the Elecraft KX2,

The DXZone

The DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio, currently lists 20.000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories. Ham Radio operators review new sites every day since 1998, for potential inclusion in the Directory, and to evaluate the best place to list them.

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