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Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2441
3 Bands Vertical Antenna for WARC bands, Homemade Antenna Mast for portable use, EFHW Antenna Modeling with MMANA-GAL, Add Panadapter to Yeasu FT-DX1200 , Marki RF Tools Calculators, Breakaway Pipeline, QSL-ing via the Bureau and more,
From DXCC Challenges to Antennas and Coax: A Deep Dive into 50 MHz Antenna Analysis
The article discusses the evolution of amateur radio equipment, emphasizing the importance of antennas and the essential role of the RigExpert "AA-55 Zoom" antenna analyzer. This device enables precise measurements and tuning of antennas in the HF range, enhancing performance and reliability for both amateur and professional use.
Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2440
Lightning Protection of an Amateur Radio Station, N5J Online Log, Make your own propagation forecast with W6EL , Hams.At Upcoming Satellite Passes and Activations, iCWoIP Official Site, HoIP Phonebook, Modifications to the IC-745 for the Digital Modes,
Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2439
How does an Antenna work? - Video, The Effectiveness of Ferrites - Video, How-To Easily Measure Unwanted RF, GNU Radio Beginners Tutorials, Diplomatic Stations Schedules and Frequencies, Elevation Maps, RTL-SDR Pan-adapter using HDSDR with the IC-751A, Homebrew Buddipole Variant, Hams Over IP, IZ3MEZ WEB DX Cluster For HAM Radio,
Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2438
Affordable DIY AZ/EL Antenna Rotator: A Practical Guide, Ground Wave Propagation, Enhancements in UV-K5 HF Fullband Reception, Gnuradio Miniature Projects, Beam Controller Project, How to Renew Your US Ham Radio License, Beacons Remote Control, BlueMax49ers, Papa whiskey club
Icom IC-7760 Review: First Impressions by Difona Communication and WIMO
Two product reviews from Difona Communications and WIMO about the ICOM IC-7760
Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2437
Constructing a Lindenblad Antenna for Receiving Weather Satellite Signals, Buying an HF High Power Amplifier, NDBs Received Worldwide, Station QRP Handcrafted tube transmitters, Obtaining a Copy of Your FCC License, PRFCalc, Central Kansas Armature Radio Club,
ICOM Responds to Reports of Exploding Radios in Lebanon
Icom addressed reports of its V-82 radios being involved in Lebanon explosions, suggesting counterfeit or discontinued models with modified batteries. The company emphasized strict distribution controls and Japanese manufacturing standards.
The DXZone
The DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio, currently lists 20.000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories. Ham Radio operators review new sites every day since 1998, for potential inclusion in the Directory, and to evaluate the best place to list them.