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9 Simple J Pole Antenna Projects

A selection of 9 easy to build J Pole antenna projects taken from the dxzone.com J Pole antenna resource page

Best links of the week 29

Virtual Radar from a Digital TV USB Stick, Base Station, Morse Practice Oscillator, TS-990 Mars Mod, The first Amateur Lunar contacts , Globe-S min, Add SDR to SO2R, Kenwood Mic Compatibility List

5 Mic Wiring Resources You Need To Bookmark

Have a microphone and need connection ? List of the best resources for Mic Wiring Diagrams and modifications you need to bookmark.

Best Links of the week 28 2015

Multiband End-Fed Antenna, The 10 Meter Loop Antenna, Tuning Antenna Traps, Virtual Radar Server, VHF Yagi from Old TV Antenna, EFHW matching unit, SDRplay, Pennant Loop adventures, IC-746 Modification, ADSB#

6 Easy Projects to Convert PC Power Supply to Ham Radio Use

Six easy projects that illustrate how to convert PC Power Supply Units to Amateur Radio usage

Best Links of the week 27 2015

Best new links published on week 27 2015

CW Trainer Demo

CW Trainer demonstration video. Free Windows Morse Code Trainer software developed by G4FON

5 Free Virtual Audio Cable Software

This virtual device drivers, will permit to record audio streams from your applications, and to pass audio to other programs. Interface multiple audio streams with vitual cables.

The DXZone

The DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio, currently lists 20.000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories. Ham Radio operators review new sites every day since 1998, for potential inclusion in the Directory, and to evaluate the best place to list them.

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