K1N Navassa

K1N Navassa DX pedition


K1N Navassa

DXpedition to Navassa Island

According to latest K1N News, the team will start operation on late evening of Sunday 1st February

Operators : AA7JV George , KØIR Ralph , K4UEE Bob , K6MM John , K9CT Craig , KT4TTT (HA7RY) Tomi, N2TU Lou , N4GRN George , N6MZ Mike , NA5U Mike , NM1Y Jeff , WØGJ Glenn , W2GD John , W6IZT Gregg , WB9Z Jerry


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K1N QSL methods:

  • U.S.A. Direct: Minimum S.A.S.E. (Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope)
  • World Direct: S.A.E. (Self-Addressed Envelope) plus minimum $2 or 1 IRC
  • OQRS Direct and bureau: via CLUBLOG
  • Regular Bureau: via N2OO c/o the W2 QSL Bureau
  • LOTW: Sooner rather than later.

OQRS information will be available when the DXpedition ends.

K1N - Navassa Map

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The DXZone merges amateur radio and Internet, since early internet days. Established in 1996 as a radio-related-mailinglist, has registered its domain name in 1998. Main goal is to review and promote ham-radio web sites, classifying them in categories. The DXZone is managed by ham radio operators with ham radio operators in mind.


  1. Hi,
    I wish the whole Crew many many Contacts.Seer you in RTTY Mode for a new one.
    73 and good luck,
    Wilf – dj6tk .

    • Thanks for the operation. Your 10 mhz RTTY Qsos appears in you on line log as 10 meter QSOs. Might correct that before the Q’s get massive…Hi. Again, thanks. GL and have a cold one!

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