SX-2000 QRP HF Transceiver

QRP 5W SSB CW HF Transceiver with Touch Screen



An excellent homebrew project by IZ7LDG Antonio Ferrulli created during summer 2014.
Antonio is also known as the author of the Metrovna Antenna Analyzer.

This transceiver it’s basically a compact QRP 5W HF transceiver CW/SSB working in three bands only 10 15 and 20 meters. Some web sites reports erroneously full HF + 6m  + 4m but as far as we have understood this is just a planned feature for upcoming releases.

The SX-2000 feature a 3.2” touch screen with a color display, an integrated USB port, IF, AGC and Filters.

This transceiver it’s not a commercial product, and there are no Kits available.

The bad news are that, according to recent news by the author, this project will remain a prototype a no further developments will be done to this project

The good news instead are that Antonio and IZ7JXJ Raul, are working to a new exciting project, currently in the early beta stage.

Rumors talk about a portable 7 bands  QRP RTX, in a form factor similar to the Elecraft KX3

In the mean while we can have a deeper look at the pictures taken by the author.

SX-2000 interface demonstration

You can listen to a demonstration QSO done during early prototype tests.

We are monitoring Antonio’s activity and we will publish soon on our site any new prototypes he will release.

Stay tuned.




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