7 MHz Vertical Antenna plans
vertical antenna projects for the 40 meters band
7 MHz Vertical AntennaSite Listings
2 Elements revesible verticals antennas
40 80 Meter GP Vertical
40 m short vertical
40 Meter NVIS antenna
40m broadband vertical antenna
40m vertical antenna
40m Vertical End-Fed Antenna
7 MHz Vertical antenna pop
7Mhz Vertical antenna
A 30/40 meters band vertical anetnna
A 40m Vertical
A linear loaded vertical antenna updated
A portable 10/20/40 mt vertical antenna pop
A Simple 40 Meter Vertical for Field Day
A vertical dipole for 7MHz
A very efficient half size 40 meter Vertical Antenna
Antenna vertcal 40M
Backyard 7 Mhz Vertical
Buddipole vertical dipole for 40M
Build this Novice 4 band vertical pop
Dual Band vertical antenna for 20/40
Hex Array - 80/40 Meter Vertical
High Performance 40 Meters Vertical
K0WA 40 meter verticle
N3OX Flex Vertical for 40m
Phased 40M Wire Verticals
Phased Vertical Antennas for 40m
Portable Vertical Antenna for 40 and 75
SAFARI 40-30m vertical Antenna
Semi-vertical trap antenna pop
Shortened 40 meter Vertical for POTA SOTA
Shortened vertical antenna for 7 Mhz
Slink-ette antenna
Stealth Multiband Vertical pop
The 40 meter Stealth Vertical pop
The Battle Creek 40 80 160 m antenna
The Hudson antenna
Two Element Phased Verticals
Vertical antenna for 40 and 80m
Vertical Antenna For 40- 80-160 Meters
Vertical Antenna for 7 MHz
Vertical bazooka antenna for the 40m
Vertical Moxon for 40 meters
W8HDU 40m Vertical design
2 element reversible verticals, small footprint, big results.
By: Bob Raynor
Hits: 2481
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 8
A vertical antenna for 40 and 80 meters band with no need of antenna tuner ...
Hits: 2872
| Votes: 6 | Rating: 6.17
A shortened and invisible wire antenna for 7 MHz
Hits: 6258
| Votes: 17 | Rating: 7.65
Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) and the 40 meter Novice Sub-band.
Hits: 1679
A loopy loop loaded vertical antenna operating range 7 0 to 7 3 MHz by ...
Hits: 6584
| Votes: 15 | Rating: 7.52
A simple quarter-wave length vertical for 40m band using a 12 m spiderpole
Hits: 2056
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 7
A quarter wave vertical end fed antenna for the 40 meters band As all vertical ...
Hits: 2729
| Votes: 7 | Rating: 5.43
7 MHz Vertical antenna for ham radio band of 40 meter text in spanish and ...
Hits: 34654
| Votes: 98 | Rating: 8.43
The secret with this antenna is to install as many radials as you can around ...
Hits: 24155
| Votes: 15 | Rating: 4.14
A shortened 30/40 meters band vertical antenna in italian
Hits: 7619
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
This antenna is intended as a simple inexpensive solution for the newcomer to experiment across ...
Hits: 10406
| Votes: 5 | Rating: 2.8
This Vertical antenna design by David Reid for lower bands focuses on achieving effective DX ...
Hits: 21121
| Votes: 31 | Rating: 6.58
A portable vertical antenna for 10 to 40 meters designed for mobile operations can be ...
Hits: 81957
| Votes: 55 | Rating: 5.01
A dipole antenna for 7 MHz support for this antenna is fiberglass military mast ...
By: W9XT
Hits: 1003
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 5
A vertical dipole for 7MHz and 21MHz by OH3GGQ
Hits: 1731
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
A vertical antenna project for the 7MHz made with some spare parts Based on a ...
By: Ray Ring
Hits: 748
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 8.5
Shortened vertical antenna for 40 meters band an homebrew project
Hits: 1521
| Votes: 7 | Rating: 6.29
A vertical antenna for 40 meters band by PA5MW
Hits: 1339
A vertical dipole for the 40 meters band made by using some buddipole parts and ...
Hits: 1932
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 5.67
Home made vertical antenna for 80 40 15 10 meters ARRL PDF file taken from ...
Hits: 79810
| Votes: 53 | Rating: 6.37
A 20 and 40 meter vertical on Autopilot by K6MHE PDF File
Hits: 12686
| Votes: 14 | Rating: 6.57
This page describes a homebrew 80 40 meter trap vertical antenna Includes an interesting antenna ...
Hits: 7640
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 5
40 meter vertical antenna construction a shortened easy to build vertical with no radials made ...
Hits: 2248
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 8.5
The antenna is comprised of three lengths of 12 foot aluminum which telescope together ...
Hits: 724
N3OX three meters Flex Vertical, a Short, Frequency Agile Vertical for 40 meters
Hits: 723
Experiments with phased wire vertical antennas on 40 meters at VA7ST
Hits: 2931
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 7.5
Phased wire vertical antennas for 40 meters band
Hits: 1016
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 7.5
Portable Vertical Antenna for 75m and 40m featuring Low radiation angle for DX easy to ...
Hits: 3970
| Votes: 7 | Rating: 7.14
Roach pole vertical antenna for 40 and 30 meters band featuring good performance on short ...
Hits: 337
The G3NGD Semi-vertical Trap Antenna for 1,8 3,5 and 7MHz
Hits: 30045
| Votes: 31 | Rating: 7.19
Build A Shortened 40 Meter Vertical antenna For POTA SOTA Activations A project for a ...
Hits: 135
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
A simple drawing of a shortened antenna for 40 meters by using a PVC tube ...
Hits: 3232
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 4.5
A Slinky-based doublet or loaded vertical QRP antenna tested for 40 meters band
By: N2CX and N2EI
Hits: 1383
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 10
A vertical antenna for 40 and 80 meters band using a telescoping fiberglass fishing pole ...
Hits: 52823
| Votes: 17 | Rating: 5.59
Vertical antenna for 40 meters band
Hits: 71110
| Votes: 15 | Rating: 5.4
3 Band vertical Marconi antenna for the bands 40 80 160 meters with a ground ...
Hits: 2739
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 8
A vertical antenna for 80 and 40 meters project with lots of assembling pictures and ...
Hits: 2822
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
Two 40 meter phased vertical antennas, project, pictures and description by W4NFR
By: William Moneysmith
Hits: 1162
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 6
Homebrew a vertical antenna for 40 and 80 meters band based on popular HF2V model ...
Hits: 3068
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
The basic antenna is a vertical monopole using elevated radials to complete the ground plane ...
Hits: 4303
| Votes: 6 | Rating: 6
DF9CY experience on a vertical antenna for 40 meter band
Hits: 1595
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 3.75
A quarter wave vertical omni directional antenna for 7 MHz Formulas for dimensions in feet ...
Hits: 238
| Votes: 8 | Rating: 6.62
A vertical half-moxon for the 7 Mhz by F6IRF
Hits: 2840
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 7
Design of a 40 meter Vertical antenna
Hits: 882
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 9