6 Meters Beacons
Beacons on 50 Mhz
Site Listings
6 Meter Beacons - Worldwide
6m Beacons Report
9H1SIX Malta
Beacons on 50Mhz
Building a Low Power Beacon for 6m
G3USF's Worldwide List of 50MHz Beacons
JA6YBR/b 50MHz
K6FRC Beacons
N7LT Beacon
North American Beacons Map
Six Meter Beacons List
Six Meters Beacons
Six Meters Beacons Calculator
VA2MGL Beacons
VK3RMH ham repeater and beacon
W3VD Beacons
WB4WOR Propagation Beacons
This list has been prepared by Harry Schools KA3B and Ray Clark K5ZMS for SMIRK ...
By: KA3B
Hits: 139
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 4
A list of beacons copied on six meters band by DL8WX
Hits: 94
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
9h1SIX Beacon operating six meters band
By: 9H1SIX
Hits: 1070
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 8
50,006.0 MHz from LL55SH by Qatar Amateur Radio Society
Hits: 407
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 5
World wide six meters beacon list
Hits: 17307
| Votes: 59 | Rating: 6.02
by Ken Neubeck WB2AMU
Hits: 1919
| Votes: 7 | Rating: 7.29
Comprehensive list of beacons in the 50MHz band maintained since 2013 by G3USF.
By: Martin
Hits: 6053
| Votes: 20 | Rating: 6.9
6 meter beacon from Monselice Italy JN55VF
Hits: 357
JA6YBR/b in Miyazaki, JAPAN operating on 50.017MHz
Hits: 392
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 3
K6FRC/B 6 m beacons website
Hits: 720
| Votes: 8 | Rating: 9.62
Operating 28.249 MHz and 50.074 MHz from Bozeman, Montana
Hits: 506
| Votes: 5 | Rating: 9.4
2,6 and 10 meters beacon located at Lake White, Ohio
Hits: 1502
| Votes: 26 | Rating: 8.64
North american 50 Mhz beacon map by K9MU
Hits: 1521
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 1.25
World Wide 50MHz Beacons database maintanied by G0LGS provide a fully sortable table available also ...
Hits: 228
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 9
6 meters Beacons Worldwide including also Italian VHF beacons
Hits: 2444
| Votes: 7 | Rating: 1.71
The six meter beacons calculator for distance and azimuth by OE1SMC
Hits: 631
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
Info and specifications on my three beacons on 10 and 6 meter bands You will ...
Hits: 1126
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
Running 10 and 6 meters beacons 6 m and 70 cm fm repeater from Melbourne ...
Hits: 701
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 5
Operate 28 50 144 432 1200 Mhz beacons
Hits: 1252
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 6
WB4WOR Propagation Beacon on 6 and 10 meters Jointly Owned and Operated by the Broadcast ...
Hits: 1299
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10