RF Spectrum
Radio Frequemcy spectrum and allocations including radio band plans
Site Listings
Frequency List pop
900MHz telephone frequencies
Allocation of Radio Spectrum
Amateur satellite frequency guide
Emergency ham radio frequencies
FM Repeater & Simplex Channel System 70 cm / 2 m / 6 m / 10 m & Offsets
Frequencies for wefax
GMRS Frequencies
Gold Coast Radio Scanner Frequencies
Guide to the SW Spectrum
Ham Bands
Hellschreiber frequencies
Marine broadcast
PSK31 Frequencies for QSO
QRP Calling Frequencies
QRP Calling Frequencies
Recommended frequencies for digital modes
Satellite Frequency List
Shortwave Frequency Guide
Space frequency listing
SSTV Frequency List
Taking a look at the 900 MHz band
The Considerate Opertator's Frequency Guide
The ElectroMagnetic spectrum
The Radio Spectrum
Top Band Frequencies
TV transmitters in Europe
US Frequency Allocation Chart
US HF Amateur Bands
USA Amateur Radio HF Band Plan
USA frequency allocations
WEFAX Frequencies
West NewYork Scanner Guide
WW Frequency allocation links
A comprehensive list of what is on the frequencies between 5 MHz and 5 000 ...
By: John
Hits: 30133
| Votes: 60 | Rating: 5.96
Frequency table for 900Mhz phones
Hits: 7901
| Votes: 71 | Rating: 7.12
This is the table of contents to a list showing how the radio frequency spectrum ...
Hits: 1482
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 6
Amateur Satellite Frequency Guide, Compiled December 1996
Hits: 2922
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 5.25
These frequencies have been adopted into the bandplans of each IARU region to be a ...
Hits: 143
A very useful table with frequencies for HF VHF UHF repeaters including offsets steps grouped ...
Hits: 869
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 3
Where wefax transmission can be heard.
Listen to weather fax transmissions world wide.
Hits: 6479
| Votes: 6 | Rating: 6
General Mobile Radio Service Frequencies
Hits: 6276
| Votes: 49 | Rating: 5.55
This web page is for all Radio Scanner listeners who live on or near the ...
By: Paul Young
Hits: 8444
| Votes: 76 | Rating: 5.75
Quick guide to the shortwave spectrum
Hits: 3280
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 5
Simplified U.S. frequency allocations table by K8ZT
By: K8ZT
Hits: 8335
| Votes: 28 | Rating: 5.92
Suggested frequencies for HELLSCHREIBER operation by the feldhell club
Hits: 2023
| Votes: 6 | Rating: 7
World Wide Marine Radio Facsimile Broadcast Schedules From NOAA, wefax scheduling
Hits: 6174
| Votes: 11 | Rating: 6.73
Proposed frequencies for PSK31 QSO
Hits: 10125
| Votes: 51 | Rating: 5.02
Where to operate QRP
Hits: 1656
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 4
QRP Popular Frequencies, where to operate in QRP mode
By: gqrp
Hits: 792
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 5.5
Active digital mode frequency list compiled by Jason Buchanan - N1SU
Hits: 4064
| Votes: 6 | Rating: 4.67
All Satellites Frequency List Update A complete list of satellite frequencies available in several formats ...
Hits: 156
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
Frequency list with service name and related comments
Hits: 1455
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 1.5
Downlink frequencies for all kind of satellites
Hits: 887
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 4
Where to look on the Bands for SSTV
Hits: 1360
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 5.5
Use of the band as Amateur Radio is secondary in this band to federal radiolocation ...
Hits: 54
An ARRL guide to where on the HF bands various modes and activities are generally ...
Hits: 4192
| Votes: 5 | Rating: 6.4
Excellent poster representing the electromagnetic spectrum from 31 2 mHz to 6 52 EHz PDF ...
Hits: 2182
| Votes: 6 | Rating: 6.67
Radio frequency allocations
Hits: 21700
| Votes: 18 | Rating: 3.61
160 meter band allocations by world area with best and known bad frequencies indications ...
By: K8ND
Hits: 1010
Frequency list of TV transmitter video carriers within the range of 48-85 Mhz.
Hits: 1588
| Votes: 11 | Rating: 4.18
Colorfull radio frequency spectrum allocations in the US, in PDF Format
Hits: 15412
| Votes: 33 | Rating: 6.27
US ham radio band plan in pdf available for download and print
Hits: 5269
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 7.33
Download the PDF with USA Amateur radio HF band plan and common country prefixes updated ...
Hits: 5313
| Votes: 13 | Rating: 5.31
The radio spectrum in usa PDF File representing the united stares frequency allocations in graphical ...
Hits: 5895
| Votes: 5 | Rating: 6.6
NOAA National Weather Service Marine Forecasts include a table with abbreviated versions of radiofax broadcast ...
Hits: 637
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 3.33
The western new york amateur radio and scanner guide by the lancaster amateur radio club ...
Hits: 2701
| Votes: 6 | Rating: 3.17
Table of frequency allocations international & US by Bill McFadden
By: Bill
Hits: 4788
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 6.25