DR2W Contest Calendar needs support

Contest and DXPedition Calendar of DR2W asking for help


Contest and DXPedition Calendar of DR2W needs support and input!

dr2w.de offers a special contest calendar with information about contests for offline usage.
It is the only one made in this form.

Our great supporter filling this calendar with content was Hinrich, DB6IS, who suddenly passed away end of October.
Contest Calendar – Offline Access | DR2WNow we are looking for HAMs, who are willing to fill the calendar with content for their specific region, contests, dxpeditions and similiar ham radio activities.

All this work was done by Hinrich with never ending effort. It is too much work for a single person to handle all world wide entries. So it would be nice, to have responsibles for single countries, continents or IARU regions.

HAMs are welcome who are willing to help us, that this calendar can continue to exist.

Please send a short messagse via our contact form on http://www.dr2w.de .

We will be happy to send you more information on request – together with a short introduction into the handling of the data entry.

73 from DR2W

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