MX-P50M HF Power Amplifier

HF Power Amplifier designed to work with QRP transceivers


MX-P50M HF Power Amplifier

Designed to work with  YAESU FT-817 IC-703 Elecraft KX3 QRP amateur radio RTX

MX-P50A hf power amplifier designed for QRP transceivers  to improve signal,  can be used both as a base or  mobile unit. Extremely Small Compact and light weight offer a full integration with the Yaesu FT-817 using the supplied interface cable

The MX-P50M amplifier incorporates various protection circuits such as high voltage, and feature a front mounted LED display.

This amplifier can be successfully used with other QRP rigs such as the ICOM IC-703, Elecraft KX3.


Frequency Bands:80m 40m 30m-17m 15m-10m
Operating Modes:SSB CW AM,RTTY and FM-Reduced duty cycle
Rf input:5W
Out power:45W
Band mode:Manual
Power requirement:13.8V 8A
Cooling method: passive air cooling
Antenna connector:SO-239 50Ω
Price is around 200 USD

Currently available through some ebay dealers.


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