We already presented in a previous articles Seven Delta Loops antennas for 7 MHz, and even 7 MHz Yagi antennas
Here we have reviewed 7 small loop antenna for the 40 meters band.
Loop Antenna Design

“Small Loop antennas also known as Magnetic loop antennas are radio antenna made in a loop shape, and behaves electrically as a coil with a small radiation resistance. These antennas are very small if compared to the full wavelength. Often used as receiving aerials can be used as transmitting antennas“
Small Loop Antennas for 7 MHz
Able to cover all frequencies between 3.5 and about 10 MHz, the loop described here is directional, does not require a radial system, and stands just 1.8 metres tall. The antenna can be put together in a short time and is cheap by Peter Parker VK3YE ex VK1PK
A coaxial cable tuneable magnetic loop antenna for 7MHz. This experimental antenna does not require a tuning capacitor
A page about a Magnetic loop antenna project for the 40 meters band, includes nice pictures and history of construction
Evolution of a project of a small magnetic loop resonating from 80 to 40 meters
A simple multi-band magnetic loop antenna designed for 20, 30 and 40 metres. For its size, the performance of the antenna always astounds me, although it is never going to replace a Yagi
A well documented article on a small magnetic loop antenna for the 40 meters band
Article about small magnetic loop antennas with notes on realization of magnetic loops for several HF bands and the six meter band
Magnetic Loop Antenna Calculator
A selections of some free magnetic loop antenna calculators programs
Free windows program to calculate magnetic loop antenna.This small loop antenna calculator allow to determine capacitance and voltage based on Loop circumference, desired resonant frequency, conductor diameter and the operating power
Magnetic loop antenna calculator and loop antenna design program for windows let you calculate dimensions for magnetic loops antennas, in german
A free online calculator for making all of the calculations required to design and build small transmitting loop antennas, also known as magnetic loops by 66pacific.com
7 MHz Magnetic loop antenna videos
A Youtube playlist collection of videos of small loop antennas for the 40 meters band taken from our Youtube Channel
Magnetic Loop Antenna Links on DXZone.com
- Magnetic Loop Antenna Projects
- Magnetic Loop Antenna Projects for 40 Meters
- Magnetic Loop Antenna Manufacturers
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