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Best Links of the Week

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Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2413

Budget-Friendly 5-Element Quad Antenna Design, Budget-Friendly QRP T-Tuner and SWR Bridge, A Guide for Seamless FT8 Operation - Time Sync, Building a Robust PL519 Tube HF Amplifier, GMA Maps, Adapting Standard Headset Mic for Yaesu FT-8900, Portable Efficiency: Building a KX3 Go-Box,

Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2412

Space-Efficient Excellence: Inverted L Multi-Band HF Antenna, WSJT-X Controller, Introduction to HF Packeteering in the Modern Age, Emergency ham radio frequencies, AI Projections for Ham Radio Modes in 2023-2025, Yaesu ATAS-120A Portable Tripod: Enhancing Efficiency, Mapping the Australian Radio Landscape, FT 1000MP MK V and Keyclicks,

Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2411

Portable Half-Square Antenna, The Squid Pole Wire Antenna Re-visited, 50 MHz 300W Power Amplifier, TX5S Clipperton 2024, TX5S Log Online, Efficient 2-Element Quad Antenna for 2m, Propagation on 630 Meters and 2200 Meters, N1FD Nashua Area Radio Society

Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2410

Field-Tested VP2E Antenna, 3 Band Mono Loop Portable Quad, VHF Repeater with a Raspberry Pi, DIY Tree Antenna Launching: Cheap and Effective, OpenRTX, Wire on the Ground: Portable Radio Success with Grasswire Antenna, LoRa APRS Tracker or Igate on 433Mhz, IARU Region 2 BandPlan,

Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2409

Mini Satellite-Antenna Rotator Mk1, Receiving NOAA Weather Satellite Images, Online LInked Dipole Designer, How to use AI to identify Radio signals , LoRa in Amateur Radio, Moxon Mania - Building the Ultimate 4-Band Moxon Antenna, Python Telegram bot for QRZ.com lookups

Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2408

Ribbit digital text messaging mode for HF/VHF/UHF , Building a Raspberry Pi Satellite Tracker Interface, Raspberry Pi Pirate Radio, Arduino Digital Transceiver Project, M17 digital radio protocol for data and voice, HamXposition,

Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2407

Durable 2-Meter Yagi Antenna: PVC and Window Line Construction, APRS LoRa Weather Station , The CW Flea: Modern Morse Transmitter with Arduino, TxTopper QRP Amplifier, Enhancing Performance with a Cage Dipole for Six Meter Band, AI-Powered Radio Signal Cleanup: Battling QRM in Real Time, Ham Crazy, How AI will affect Ham Radio, Wave talkers: Introduction to AI in Ham Radio, AI Meets Amateur Radio

Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2406

CQ DX World Map, Baluns and Ferrites Basics, Greencube (IO-117) Guide to Setup, Software and Operation, Baofeng UV5R TRRS Adapter, 2m Slim Jim portable antenna for SOTA, Scan and Showcase Your QSL Cards, DragonOS Focal , Tassie Scanner, LoRA Collinear Antenna, APRS via LoRa

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The DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio, currently lists 20.000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories. Ham Radio operators review new sites every day since 1998, for potential inclusion in the Directory, and to evaluate the best place to list them.

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