Heil Sound PRO 7

Latest Heil Sound amateur radio headsets

Heil Sound Pro 7

Heil Sound Pro 7The Heil Sound Pro 7 headsets, announced in October 2014 offers a feature set that compliments the Heil Sound standard for headset design. Unlike copies of various aviation type headsets, the PRO 7 is not a copy. It brings new technology to the headset industry.

The 2″ thick gel foam ear pads provide extreme comfort for extended periods of time while exhibiting passive noise reduction rated at -26dB, ideal for use in high ambient noise environments.

The PRO 7 has interchangeable microphone system allows the microphone element to be easily changed in the field for different types of applications.

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heil-sound-pro-7The Heil Sound Pro 7 headsets, announced in October 2014 offers a feature set that compliments the Heil Sound standard for headset design. Unlike copies of various aviation type headsets, the PRO 7 is not a copy. It brings new technology to the headset industry. The...

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