Number of U.S. Radio Amateurs Reach an All-Time High
Ham Radio licences in the United States are in continuous and steady growth. The FCC database show a constant increment of new amateur radio licences since 2008.
As the end of 2015, the FCC Universal Licensing System (ULS) showed 735,405 active licences.This is absolutely the greatest number of Amateur Radio operators ever, and up from the 726,275 in 2014.

Analyzing the licensees by licence class report, recently published by AH0A Joe Speroni, we can note that the Technicians are the largest group with 363,806 units, immediately followed by the General licensees with 172,603, Amateur Extra licensees at 139,901, Advanced with 48,155 and close Novices with 10,940.
About the Distribution of Amateur Radio operators in the U.S. territories, AH0A has a powerful report generator you can use, while the publish an interesting (but outdated) map of distribution of Hams in the United States.

Some useful resources from Ham Radio Demographics category
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