The J-Pole Antenna
The J-Pole antenna, is a popular and easy to build antenna invented and patented by Hans Beggerow in 1909 for use in Zeppelin airships.
The J-pole antenna is an end-fed omnidirectional half-wave antenna that is matched to the feedline by a quarter wave parallel transmission line stub.
6 Meter J-Pole Antenna Projects
Among antennas for six meters band, the J-pole model is one of the easiest to build and tune. We already presented some interesting antenna projects for other bands, like the copper cactus J-Pole antenna or the 9 Simple J Pole Antenna Projects, and we suggest you to have a look to those resources, to get inspired or learn by other hams, some building techniques that can be useful for your own project.
A home made J-Pole antenna for 50 MHz. This article describes how to build a J-Pole antenna for the 6-meter amateur radio band. It's a good choice for those who want an antenna with better performance than a simple wire dipole, but at a lower cost than buying a commercial antenna. The project requires soldering copper pipes and some specific materials, but can be built in a day (by W8CWE)
The J Pole antenna is a good omnidirectional antenna that can be used for portable or fixed station usage. It does not need a ground, and neither complex feed systems. It can be homemade with simple material and in several ways.Article in Italian (by IZ0UPS)
Based on original G2BCX design this J-Pole antenna for the six meter band is made with a homemade ribbon cable. The antenna shown in this article includes a coaxial cable choke feed to remove RF currents from flowing on the outer of the cable. (by G4AON)
The J-Pole is an easy-to-build and inexpensive device that provides an omni-directional vertically polarized antenna without the need for a ground plane. In technical terms, it is an end fed vertical 1/2 wave which is fed via a 1/4 wave matching stub. (by VK4ADC)
Based on the popular DK7ZB simple 50 MHz Jpole antenna, this customized jpole project has been analized with MMANA-GAL and reproduced for six meters, two meters and 70 cm bands. (by EA7AHG)
This J-Pole is mounted on a fishing rod. The radiator L1 is an isolated copper-wire with a length of 281,5 cm while the quarter-wave matching sector L2 is made with 450-Ohm-Wireman-cable (by DK7ZB)
Need more?
The projects featured above, are about mono band j-pole antennas for 50 MHz, but if you want to save space, you can even consolidate your antenna farm, and setup a dual-band, six meter and two meter antennas in a single J-Pole antenna. Some other cool projects are about three band jpole antenna, 50 MHz, 144 MHz and 430 MHz.