Beacon Keyer
Beacon Keyers
Site Listings
137.7kHz QRSS on one chip
144 Mhz Dirty Beacon project
222 MHz Transmitter Beacon
30 Metre QRSS Beacon
30m QRSS Beacon
30m QRSS Beacon Transmitter
30m WSPR Beacon
50Mhz Beacon project
70cm Beacon
70MHz Beacon
80 m CW Beacon
80 meters beacon antenna
An Intelligent keyer for FSK beacon usage
Arduino Beacon
Beacon for 23 cm band
Beacons Remote Control
Build a 10 Meter Beacon
Build your own QRSS transmitter
CW Beacon kit
Freakin Beacon Setup Program
G0UPL 30m QRSS Junkbox Beacon
Homebrew 50 Mhz Beacon
IK0WRB Beacon
KF6MWA Beacon projects
Low cost 50 MHz Beacon
Morse Code Beacon Keyer
Morse Code Beacon Keyer
N7KSB Milliwatt transmitter
New Generation Beacon Driver
Next generation beacon
OZ2M - Beacon Keyer
OZ2M - Next generation beacon
Pharos - CW Beacon Keyer
PI4ino - A Generic Arduino Beacon Controller
PIC controlled CW BPSK beacon transmitter
Simple beacon construction notes
The AVR Beacon Super Keyer
The Ideal 28MHz Beacon
The Milli Beacon
The WB0RIO 28 Mhz Arduino Beacon
VA3TO Programmable Beacon Keyer
VersaBeacon Project
WA8YWO 10 meter beacon
This article describes a simple QRSS beacon exciter for the DX portion of the 2200m ...
Hits: 601
VHF beacon keyer by 9A4QV
Hits: 1869
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 4
A CW beacon keyer for 222 MHz by VA3NFA
Hits: 424
A home made QRSS beacon project for the 10 MHz by VK2ZAY
Hits: 2622
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 6.5
A borderline insane 30m QRSS beacon project completely independent of computer control and containing NO ...
Hits: 605
This beacon puts out about 0 5W on 10 140MHz It is intended to be ...
Hits: 1011
10MHz WSPR and QRSS Transmitter Project
Hits: 610
30 Watt 50 MHz ham radio beacon de N6CA
Hits: 804
PLL synthesized 70cm CW beacon exciter The exciter is built arround a slightly more advanced ...
By: S57NAN
Hits: 136
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
Description of the beacon hardware and DDS frequency source used for G4JNT personal beacon ...
Hits: 371
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
An home made CW beacon transmitter project running 1 5 W on the 80 meters ...
Hits: 587
A vertical antenna specifically designed to work with the 80 meter CW beacon keyer ...
Hits: 2266
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 5
Designing a beacon keyer that transmit the relative output power along to call sign ...
Hits: 640
A multi mode QRP radio beacon built around the Arduino This radio propagation beacon transmitter ...
Hits: 2146
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 9.5
This is a 30 watt sea level beacon intended for the coastal path between Northern ...
Hits: 422
The project aims to create a remote control system for the VK5RSE beacons located near ...
Hits: 19
How to build a beacon keyer for 28 MHz using an old CB Radio transceiver ...
Hits: 2498
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 10
The N0QBH QRSS project page a couple of projects using available kits for improved frequency ...
Hits: 340
CW Beacon kit by Expanded Spectrum Systems
Hits: 737
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
A small program to simplify changing messages in the Expanded Spectrum Systems Freakin Beacon controller ...
Hits: 1293
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
This simple 30m QRSS beacon is built entirely out of junkbox parts the only component ...
Hits: 827
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 9
DIY beacon for six meters band by K9MU
Hits: 644
Since some people built VHF UHF beacons based on my keyer this page describes how ...
Hits: 305
10 meter propigation beacon project
Hits: 1028
IV3GFN beacon for six meters band
Hits: 572
This circuit stores a single morse code message as bits in an EPROM chip the ...
Hits: 1122
This circuit stores a morse code message as bits in an EPROM chip the message ...
Hits: 384
N7KSB used this 1 2 watt CW transmitter with a roof mounted ground plane antenna ...
Hits: 3029
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 6
As used on the new GB3VHF 144.43MHz Beacon
Hits: 824
The next generation beacon platform for the OZ7IGY beacons should encompass both the analog and ...
Hits: 388
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 10
Circuit and software to build a beacon keyer, includes downloadable packages.
Hits: 3987
| Votes: 24 | Rating: 8.28
Next Generation Beacon hardware platform encompasses both analog and digital modes i e CW FSK ...
By: Bo
Hits: 428
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 10
A Picaxe Morse Code keyer project with source code and links to useful resources by ...
Hits: 515
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
Generic PI4 CW Carrier Arduino Beacon Controller with interfacing to Analog Devices AD9833 DDS AD9850 ...
By: OZ2M
Hits: 1750
| Votes: 7 | Rating: 7.71
A description of a simple Lowfer beacon transmitter.
Hits: 585
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 3
CW QRSS beacon based on a microcontroller PIC16F84 by Microchip with only few other components ...
Hits: 2630
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 7
Here is a simple self contained beacon which can run a few milliwatts or as ...
Hits: 880
Description of an HF beacon keyer with telemetry What makes the keyer rather different is ...
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What constitutes the ideal 28MHz beacon from the listener's perspective by G0AEV
Hits: 555
This page describes an cheap RF signal source a portable micro beacon using a low ...
Hits: 1124
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
This project involves the construction of a 5 Watt Morse code beacon transmitter that operates ...
Hits: 631
Inexpensive and easy to to build standalone Beacon Keyer.
By: Hugh VA3TO
Hits: 190
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
The VersaBeacon is a frequency agile modulation agile RF source using a DDS chip and ...
Hits: 587
10 meter 28.286 mhz 100 milliwatt Beacon
Hits: 453
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 4