Amateur Radio Arduino Projects
Arduino Projects for Ham Radio Applications
Ham Radio and ArduinoSubcategories:
Site Listings
Antenna analyzer with Arduino
SWR / Wattmeter with Arduino Uno Shield
AFSK TNC with Arduino
APRS Tracker with Arduino
Arduino ACCU Keyer
Arduino Antenna Rotator Controller
Arduino Antenna Switch
Arduino antenna tuner
Arduino Antenna Tuner
Arduino Antenna Tuner
Arduino APRS with BeRTOS
Arduino as an SDR
Arduino automated antenna switch
Arduino automatic antenna tuner
Arduino Band decoder
Arduino based antenna rotator controller
Arduino Based SWR/PWR Meter
Arduino based Yaesu Rotator Controller
Arduino Beacon
Arduino Beacon
Arduino Countermod
Arduino CQ Caller
Arduino CW Terminal
Arduino Digital Transceiver Project
Arduino Flex Controller
Arduino FT-857D CAT Library
Arduino Iambic Keyer and Side Tone Generator
Arduino MFJ tuner control
Arduino miniVNA Control
Arduino Nano and si5351 Digital VFO/BFO
Arduino Power and SWR Meter
Arduino QRP transceiver
Arduino QRP Transceiver: DIY Success on HF Bands
Arduino remote antenna switch
Arduino Repeater Controller
Arduino RF Network Analyzer
Arduino Rotator Controller
Arduino Rotator Controller
Arduino Rotator Controller
Arduino Rotor Remoter
Arduino si5351 VFO sketch
Arduino simple signal generator
ARDUINO Simplex Repeater Controller
Arduino SWR and Power Meter
Arduino TNC
Arduino TNC
Arduino Vector Graphic Antenna Analyser
Arduino Yaesu VX8r GPS
AutoCap Tuner for mag loop Antennas
Automatic antenna switch with Arduino Nano
Automatic Arduino Antenna Switch
Automatic HF Antenna Tuner with Arduino
AX.25 on Arduino
Azimuth and elevation rotor with Arduino
Band Decoder Arduino
Cheap Antenna Analyzer with Arduino
Colour TFT display with Touch controlled VFO BFO
Computer Controllable Stepper Switch
Control the Yaesu FT 817 Using Arduino
CW Decoder With Arduino Uno
DDS VFO using Arduino
Digital Rotator Controller for Arduino
Digital SWR and Power Meter
Digital SWR Meter with Arduino
DIY GPS module for Yaesu VX-8DR/VX-8DE
DuinoVox USB interface
extdigi - APRS Digipeater for Arduino
Frequency Counter with Arduino
Ham Radio Arduino Projects
HamShield for Arduino
HF Arduino VNA
How To Build a Rotator Controller with a Computer Interface
Iambic Keyer for Arduino
IC-7300 Arduino Based Antenna Switch
PI4ino - A Generic Arduino Beacon Controller
Remotino - Remote Monitor
RF PWR and SWR Meter with Arduino
Rotator Control for HyGain HAM-IV
RTTY Modem for Arduino
Serial/USB SWR Meter
Signal Processing on the Arduino
SimpleSat Rotor Controller
Smart SO2R Antenna Switcher: A DIY Solution
Speech synthesiser for FT-817
Temperature monitoring and logging using Arduino
The AntennaPi
The WB0RIO 28 Mhz Arduino Beacon
Trackuino - Arduino APRS Tracker
Universal HF Tracker
VK3YY Antenna Analyser Project
WIFI Remote FUCHS ATU for EndFed Antenna
WSPR beacon
Yaesu FT-817 Arduino Controlled Beacon
HF Antenna analyzer with Arduino Nano open software has also become a commercial product ...
By: Luca Facchinetti
Hits: 13006
| Votes: 22 | Rating: 3.77
SWR Wattmeter with Arduino Uno Shield It can measure from 2 to 200 watt and ...
By: Luca facchinetti
Hits: 9073
| Votes: 38 | Rating: 5.77
Cheap AFSK TNC APRS for everyone with arduino BeRTOS and a STM32F100 chip by OM5AMX ...
Hits: 3114
| Votes: 6 | Rating: 4.5
A Receive-Only, Low-Power APRS iGate made with Arduino
Hits: 149
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 4
Building an Open Source Arduino APRS Tracker with LCD GPS SVTrackR ...
By: 9W2SVT
Hits: 1474
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 7
A simple accu keyer made with Arduino that works well with QRQ CW Free to ...
Hits: 236
This is an attempt to build an Antenna rotator controller using Arduino Mega 2560 with ...
By: Vinod Es
Hits: 2553
| Votes: 15 | Rating: 6.8
A homemade remote antenna switch made with an Arduino Uno by KK7S
By: KK7S
Hits: 2341
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
This project describes an ARDUINO based automatic antenna tuner for an end fed half wave ...
Hits: 4955
| Votes: 9 | Rating: 6.04
An interesting arduino project to work as an antenna tuner
Hits: 2218
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 2.67
Arduino-based Automatic Amateur Radio Antenna Tuner
By: K3NG
Hits: 313
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 9
An Arduino APRS project based on the real time OS BeRTOS
Hits: 1669
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
Setting up the Arduino DUE to run as an SDR software defined radio
Hits: 21045
| Votes: 32 | Rating: 7.84
This Arduino project decode ICOM CAT frequency information and switch antennas according to preset values ...
Hits: 3066
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 9.75
Controlling an antenna tuner with an arduino board The project includes movies explanation and the ...
Hits: 5891
| Votes: 12 | Rating: 7.78
Arduino Band decoder project available in KIT
Hits: 1369
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 3
Inspired by Milan OK7GU the goal is to build an universal antenna controller for different ...
Hits: 1219
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 6
Homemade SWR PWR Meter based on Arduino
By: experimental-engineering
Hits: 2175
| Votes: 9 | Rating: 6.22
A Yaesu rotator controller made with an arduino
Hits: 1184
A multi mode QRP radio beacon built around the Arduino This radio propagation beacon transmitter ...
Hits: 2163
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 9.5
A new multi mode QRP radio beacon built around the Arduino The beacon started with ...
Hits: 716
A UHF Frequency Counter up to 1 GHz includes the Block Diagram test sketch for ...
By: changpuak
Hits: 74
Arduino automatic CW Keyer for amateur radio
Hits: 1483
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 4
This article describes firmware and minimal hardware for encoding and decoding of on air CW ...
Hits: 701
Arduino Digital Transceiver ADX is a low cost HF transceiver for digital modes This Arduino ...
Hits: 112
Arduino Flex Controller can be used with the new Flex 6000 Signature rigs It is ...
Hits: 123
This Arduino library allow you to control various functions of Yaesu FT 857 through the ...
Hits: 1227
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
A project to implement a simple and efficient CW Keyer and a side tone generator ...
By: Bill
Hits: 619
An Arduino uno based project to control an MFJ 998 antenna tuner via Icom CI ...
Hits: 837
A controller for the miniVNA using an Arduino UNO and touch screen color graphic LCD ...
Hits: 1453
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
A kit Digital VFO with pre soldered surface mount parts and burned in firmware a ...
Hits: 432
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 7
Power and SWR Meter with dual bargraphs and sticky bar, using 2x AD8307
Hits: 5870
| Votes: 21 | Rating: 7.09
An HF QRP CW RTX built around the Arduino open-source electronics prototyping platform
Hits: 6196
| Votes: 12 | Rating: 5.76
This article introduces an Arduino based QRP CW Transceiver designed for lower HF bands The ...
Hits: 139
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
CI-V based remote antenna switch project by IK5PWC
Hits: 3279
| Votes: 8 | Rating: 8.28
This blog article introduces an updated repeater controller project utilizing the Arduino UNO It includes ...
Hits: 126
Network Analyzer on an Arduino Shield which covers from 0 72MHz using an Analog Devices ...
By: Brett Killion
Hits: 285
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 3
An rotator interface that interfaces a pc to a rotor or rotator controller emulating a ...
By: K3NG
Hits: 3968
| Votes: 8 | Rating: 7.82
Rotator Controller Using Arduino and PstRotator project by G4HSK
Hits: 1331
Aduino based Amateur Radio Antenna Rotator Controller that can emulate the Yaesu GS 232A or ...
By: K3NG
Hits: 885
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 10
The Arduino series of boards is currently the ideal choice for a satellite rotor controller ...
Hits: 1076
Sketch for an Arduino and si5351 to implement a VFO BFO CW keyer and control ...
Hits: 397
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 8.25
Build a Arduino simple signal generator with an arduino board and some resistor to work ...
By: fritzing
Hits: 809
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 5.5
This project hereby presented is a complete HAM radio simplex smart repeater built around a ...
Hits: 1092
| Votes: 6 | Rating: 3.67
The circuit is based on two AD8307 log amplifiers which are connected to the forward ...
Hits: 1622
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 6.67
An Arduino project to make it work as a KISS TNC
Hits: 1923
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 9.5
An Arduino TNC modem project based on KI4MCW source code with pictures and schematics ...
Hits: 1186
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 10
A vector graphic antenna analyzer project page by DC2WK demonstrating a project realized by DG7EAO ...
Hits: 1317
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 7.75
Arduino code for buidling Yaesu VX8r Handheld Transmitter compatible GPS A compatbile GPS unit made ...
By: David Fannin
Hits: 495
This article describes a loop tuning system that automatically keeps a contest band loops properly ...
By: Matt Roberts
Hits: 918
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 6
Arduino Nano board based antenna coax antenna switch intended for use with ICOM CI V ...
Hits: 142
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 9
A Programming-Free Automatic Arduino Antenna Switch project published on NCJ
By: W0IH
Hits: 496
Make and automatic antenna tuner based on Arduino and using economic card This ATU Project ...
Hits: 611
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 9.67
AX.25 Packet Modem homebrew project on Arduino
By: Stephen Olesen
Hits: 651
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
An cheap homemade azimuth and elevation rotation system using an Arduino/AVR.
Hits: 4229
| Votes: 7 | Rating: 4
Arduino ATtiny Based Ham Radio ICOM CIV to Yaesu BCD Band Decoder Build a ICOM ...
By: buildthings
Hits: 73
Build your own home made Antenna Analyzer with an arduino micro or a cheeper one ...
Hits: 2835
| Votes: 6 | Rating: 7
Arduino uno universal VFO BFO with Si5351 and TFT touch screen for BITX like txcvr ...
Hits: 1772
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 9.75
A stepper switch controller made with arduino by N3OX
Hits: 531
A library for controlling the FT817 from an Arduino
Hits: 1005
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 1
Easy to build CW decoder based on DSP Goertzel code If you want to build ...
By: Hjalmar
Hits: 740
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 8.75
A voice keyer for Morse Code written for Arduino
Hits: 66
A DDS VFO using the Arduino Uno platform
Hits: 3788
| Votes: 5 | Rating: 7.4
A four part article anout a digital rotator controller made with Arduino
Hits: 894
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
This module is an analogue and digital SWR and power meter monitor designed to replace ...
Hits: 293
Inline RF Power VSWR Meter A DIY meter 0 to 30 Watt with Average and ...
By: KN9Bb
Hits: 3617
| Votes: 17 | Rating: 5.93
GPS module for Yaesu VX 8DR DE handheld transceivers with ublox NEO 6M chip and ...
By: 4Z7DTF
Hits: 1051
| Votes: 6 | Rating: 9
Cheap and easy to build digital modes USB interface for Ham Radio The DuinoVOX Arduino ...
Hits: 98
The project is an AVR ATMega328P based AX 25 1200 AFSK Digital Repeater suitable for ...
By: extdigi
Hits: 807
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 1.33
An interesting project about an Arduino-based frequency counter fot the Kenwood TS-520S
By: Todd Harrison
Hits: 1813
| Votes: 8 | Rating: 5.58
Ham Radio applications with the Arduino micro-controller presentation
Hits: 5095
| Votes: 12 | Rating: 6.25
HamShield is a powerful VHF UHF transceiver that lets your Arduino talk to far away ...
Hits: 1103
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 4
An home made VNA made with Arduino Nano This project features an LCD display 4x20 ...
Hits: 210
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
Controlling a rotator via computer can be costly but a budget friendly solution exists using ...
Hits: 97
Iambino is a Iambic Keyer for Arduino running hardware containing an ATmega328 or ATmega32u ...
Hits: 172
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
An Arduino Based Antenna Switch For The IC 7300 that monitors the band voltage from ...
Hits: 141
An Arduino based CW contest keyer addon ideated and designed for the use in conbination ...
Hits: 961
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 8
Generic PI4 CW Carrier Arduino Beacon Controller with interfacing to Analog Devices AD9833 DDS AD9850 ...
By: OZ2M
Hits: 1759
| Votes: 7 | Rating: 7.71
qrpTracker is a satellite tracking program that works on the popular and easy to program ...
By: qrpTracker
Hits: 621
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 7
An Arduino based remote monitoring system The Remotino is a remote monitoring system based upon ...
By: oz2m
Hits: 494
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 6
This sketch will read RF power and SWR from any SWR bridge designed to work ...
Hits: 10887
| Votes: 34 | Rating: 6.97
Hy-gain HAM-IV rotator control with Arduino by OK1BIL
By: Marek OK1BIL
Hits: 1685
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
A project for a simple RTTY decoder based on Arduino UNO R3 Includes the RTTY ...
Hits: 1431
| Votes: 7 | Rating: 6.43
A low cost SWR meter project based on Arduino that works with AutoCap automatic antenna ...
Hits: 793
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 5.5
Expeimenting with DSP digital signal processing on Arduino
Hits: 1011
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 8.33
his controller uses the Yaesu GS 232 command set to control a Yaesu G 5500 ...
By: W9KE
Hits: 268
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 7.33
In pursuit of enhanced station efficiency the author describes crafting an Arduino based smart antenna ...
By: KK7S
Hits: 174
A portable USB SO2R box made with Arduino
By: K1XM
Hits: 825
This construction project is for anyone wanting to give this popular little radio a voice ...
By: sarcnet
Hits: 131
Multi-sensor real-time temperature monitoring and logging system using Arduino
Hits: 275
This is a remote antenna switch I use in my attic to connect transceivers in ...
Hits: 146
This project involves the construction of a 5 Watt Morse code beacon transmitter that operates ...
Hits: 633
An open source Automatic Packet Reporting System tracker based on Arduino by Javier Martin ...
By: Javier Martin
Hits: 3641
| Votes: 5 | Rating: 5.8
The PCB can produce a High Frequency RF signal in the range of 1MHz to ...
By: sarcnet
Hits: 151
An home made antenna analyzer made with Arduino Nano
Hits: 6651
| Votes: 11 | Rating: 5.37
The Fuchs Antenna tuner with a resonant circuit as a coupler The Fuch Antenna Tuner ...
Hits: 129
A WSPR beacon project based on Arduino nano (atmega328P) based microcontroller
By: hamprojects
Hits: 256
A multiplatform software oscilloscope and logical analyzer software that acquires data using an arduino or ...
Hits: 2366
An example of how to control a Yaesu FT 817 with an Arduino to make ...
By: K3NG
Hits: 1118
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1