Antenna Rotator
Antenna Rotator project
Site Listings
Affordable DIY AZ/EL Antenna Rotator: A Practical Guide
All about antenna rotator
Antenna elevator system for amateur satellites
Antenna Rotator Controller, KG4JJH
Antenna Rotator Project
Arduino based Yaesu Rotator Controller
Arduino Rotator Computer Interface and Controller
Arduino Rotator Controller
Arduino Rotator Controller
Autonomous Satellite Tracker
AVROT project
AZ-EL USB Rotor Controller AE-21
Azimuth and elevation rotor with Arduino
Beam Controller Project
Digital Rotator Controller for Arduino
HAM IV Rotor restoration
Homebrew AZ/EL Rotor and controller
Homebrew Satellite Antenna Elevation System
Homemade Antenna Rotator Controller
How To Build a Rotator Controller with a Computer Interface
Installing the rotator
LCD Touch Screen Antenna Controller
Mini Satellite-Antenna Rotator Mk1
Mini Satellite-Antenna Rotator Mk2
Polarization Rotator for EME
Repairing Rotators
Rotator Brake Delay and Protection Circuit
Rotator Control for HyGain HAM-IV
The Antenna Torque Calculator
Wi-Fi Rotor Controller
YAESU beam controller to suit RigExpert WTI-1
Yaesu G-250 rotator
Yaesu G-450XL Rotator Problem
ZL1BPU Rotator Controller
Tysonpower details a DIY AZ EL antenna rotator project designed for under 150 inspired by ...
By: tysonpower
Hits: 113
Antenna rotator: how it work,how to repair and how to modify it
By: talino
Hits: 7434
| Votes: 12 | Rating: 7.17
Smart homebrew antenna ELEVATOR system with linear actuator The actuator is a cheap and heavy ...
By: Jerry
Hits: 22379
| Votes: 44 | Rating: 7.66
Homemade antenna rotator controller project by KG4JJH
Hits: 3015
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 10
An Antenna Rotator Project The rotor design is based on sandwiching the gears and gear ...
Hits: 3069
A Yaesu rotator controller made with an arduino
Hits: 1183
This is an Arduino based rotator interface that interfaces a computer to a rotator or ...
By: Radio Artisan
Hits: 589
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 5.5
An rotator interface that interfaces a pc to a rotor or rotator controller emulating a ...
By: K3NG
Hits: 3941
| Votes: 8 | Rating: 7.82
Rotator Controller Using Arduino and PstRotator project by G4HSK
Hits: 1330
This two axis tracker tracks satellites with high accuracy entirely by reference to built in ...
By: Elwood Downey, WB0OEW
Hits: 1735
| Votes: 6 | Rating: 8.5
Rotator controller azimuth elevation control of rotators automatic antenna turning based on commands from computer ...
Hits: 1427
AF6SA USB antenna AZ EL rotor controller compatible with Yaesu G 5500 G 450 G ...
Hits: 971
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 5.5
An cheap homemade azimuth and elevation rotation system using an Arduino/AVR.
Hits: 4208
| Votes: 7 | Rating: 4
The Beam project offers various features for controlling antenna rotators including support for 2 or ...
Hits: 38
A four part article anout a digital rotator controller made with Arduino
Hits: 892
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
HAM-IV antenna rotor repari and restore
Hits: 1107
k06TH, AZ/EL controller built around a Basic Stamp-II.
Hits: 3617
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 5.5
This Satellite Antenna Elevation System project involves mounting horizontally polarized Yagi antennas on a fiberglass ...
Hits: 89
The Antenna Rotator Controller is unique in that it senses displays and controls to the ...
Hits: 2629
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 6.33
Controlling a rotator via computer can be costly but a budget friendly solution exists using ...
Hits: 90
W4TI Rotator Installation
Hits: 804
In this article K8CU describes his custom design that uses an embedded controller and touch ...
By: K8CU
Hits: 460
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
This project is a portable device used to automatically point a directional antenna towards an ...
By: sarcnet
Hits: 562
Design and construction of a mini satellite antenna rotator It used some small DC motors ...
By: sarcnet
Hits: 507
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 4
2m EME Polarization Rotator for Yagi antennas
Hits: 439
An article on CDE/Hy-Gain/MFJ antenna rotator repairing
Hits: 447
A rotator modification by W4ZT
Hits: 1394
Hy-gain HAM-IV rotator control with Arduino by OK1BIL
By: Marek OK1BIL
Hits: 1682
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
This unique online tool helps Ham Radio operators to choose the right rotator for medium ...
By: Matteo Bavecchi
Hits: 191
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
A remote rotor controller you can use to connect your laptop tablet or smartphone directly ...
Hits: 209
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 3
Beam Controller Interface Project The control system will be via the internet and consist of ...
Hits: 39
Improve the stability of your Yaesu G-250 rotator.
Hits: 884
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
An old usenet posting about the Azimuth Indicator Problem of the popular Yaesu G 450XL ...
By: w3dhj
Hits: 364
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 6
The ZL1BPU Rotator Controller has been designed as an add on unit for the popular ...
Hits: 638