Radio Mods
Ham Radio Modifications
Site Listings
ATLAS 350XL New PA stage
Better Ears for the HW-7
Circuit Improvements for the TS-440S
Collins KWM-2 Modification
Defpom CB and HAM radio mods pop
FT-8100R Separation Cable
IC-T81 Modification
Inrad Roofing Filter in the Yaesu FT-920
Jaws Mk2 CB Conversion to 10M
Kenwood TM-201 401 mod
Kenwood TS-680S Mod
Kenwood varaible power adjustment
Modifications to the IC-745 for the Digital Modes
Modify ICOM IC-735 for DRM
Mods for the HW-7
TenTec Omni VI AGC modification
New PA stage for good old Atlas 350XL HF transceiver
Hits: 366
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
WA8MCQ modification for the Heathkit HW-7 transceiver
Hits: 423
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
Some improvements for the Kenwood TS 440S including distortion level in SSB in transmitted signals ...
Hits: 626
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 5
Modifying the Collins KWM 2 for Serious CW Operation Make this old SSB workhorse perform ...
Hits: 193
Circuit diagrams CB and HAM mods alignments data sheets and pinouts a massive site with ...
By: The Defpom
Hits: 54507
| Votes: 12047 | Rating: 8.19
A custom cable to replace the hard to find and obsolete Yaesu YSK-8100
Hits: 908
| Votes: 13 | Rating: 1.07
Modification of the Icom IC-T81E (or IC-T81A)
Hits: 625
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 2
Insalling Inrad roofing filter in the FT-920 with pictures and comments
Hits: 812
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 9.5
Converting a CB Radio for 10 meter use
Hits: 597
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
Kenwood TM-201/401 Increased TX Audio, mod for microphone gain
Hits: 579
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 5.67
Extend frequency coverage on the Kenwood TS-680S transceiver
By: ye3cif
Hits: 92
Kenwood / Trio transceivers varaible power adjustment by G4VPM
Hits: 455
The ICOM IC 745 is a durable 1980s HF transceiver ideal for enthusiasts who enjoy ...
Hits: 36
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
Modify the ICOM IC-735 HF-Transceiver for DRM reception
Hits: 1284
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 2.5
Collection of modifications for the Heath HW-7
Hits: 536
Large collection of radio mods and TNC mods with search facility
By: Mods
Hits: 10439
| Votes: 52 | Rating: 5.73
Modification leaves nearly all of the existing Omni agc circuitry intact simply add an audio ...
Hits: 636