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Home : Antennas : 10M

  • 10 Meters EH Antenna  pop
    PDF file with plans to build an eh antenna for 10 meters band by lloyd ...
    Votes: 37 | Rating: 5.3
  • 3 Element Antenna for 28 Mhz  pop
    The DF9CY three-element antenna for 28 MHz by Christoph Petermann DF9CY
    By DF9CY - Votes: 40 | Rating: 4.73
  • 40 thru 10 Meter Zepp Antenna  pop
    A modified 20 meter double zepp wire Operating Bands 40 thru 10 meters with tuner ...
    By NB6Z - Votes: 74 | Rating: 5.56

Home : Antennas : 12M

Home : Antennas : 160M

Home : Antennas : 20M

  • 20m delta loop  pop
    This antenna is fed for vertical polarisation to give a low angle of radiation for ...
    By G4EZT - Votes: 69 | Rating: 6.71

Home : Antennas : 20M : 20 meter Yagi antennas

Home : Antennas : 2M

Home : Antennas : 40M

  • 40m/80m Portable antenna  pop
    Portable wire antenna for 40 and 80 meter made with a RF Chocke Can be ...
    By VK5AH - Votes: 29 | Rating: 5.96

Home : Antennas : 40M : 40 meter Magnetic Loop Antennas

  • A magnetic loop antenna for HF  pop
    Able to cover all frequencies between 3 5 and about 10 MHz the loop described ...
    By VK3YE - Votes: 46 | Rating: 6.74

Home : Antennas : 40M : 40 meter Vertical Antennas

Home : Antennas : 6M

  • 50 Mhz Dipole  pop
    This article describes a simple but effective wide bandwidth six metre antenna
    Votes: 82 | Rating: 4.92
  • 6 meters Delta Loop by KK5ID  pop
    The 6 Meter Band may be dead at times but help bring it to life ...
    Votes: 5 | Rating: 3.6
  • A dipole for 6 meters band  pop
    Six meters band dipole horizontal or vertical
    By K9STH - Votes: 28 | Rating: 5.35

Home : Antennas : 6M : 6 meter J-Pole Antenna

  • 50MHz J-Pole Antenna  pop
    Need a general purpose antenna on the magic band The J Pole is an easy ...
    Votes: 18 | Rating: 7.05
  • 6 Meter J-Pole Antenna  pop
    A home made J Pole antenna for 50 MHz This article describes how to build ...
    By W8CWE - Votes: 129 | Rating: 6.58

Home : Antennas : 6M : 6 meter Yagi Antennas

Home : Antennas : 70cm

Home : Antennas : 80M

  • 80 Meters EH Antenna plan  pop
    Building this antenna is very easy and inexpensive, 6 Foot EH Antenna
    Votes: 58 | Rating: 6.35
  • 80 meters wire antenna  pop
    A reduced size 80 meter antenna designed for small lots portable use and a fine ...
    Votes: 24 | Rating: 4.58
  • Build A Magnetic Loop  pop
    Documents and schema on how to build a Magnetic Loop Antenna fo 80 30 mtrs ...
    By Neil Lowson - Votes: 12 | Rating: 6.76

Home : Antennas : Antenna Calculators

  • A Simple 7 element Yagi calculator  pop
    A JavaScript to calculate the dimensions for a seven element Yagi-Uda Antenna
    Votes: 414 | Rating: 6.39
  • Amateur Vertical Antenna Calculator  pop
    This basic calculator is designed to give the aproximate length height of a particular vertical ...
    Votes: 231 | Rating: 5.49
  • Bazooka Calculator  updated  pop
    Calculate Double bazooka for Win3/Win95 by W4BEJ
    By W4BEJ - Votes: 141 | Rating: 4.93

Home : Antennas : Baluns

  • Balun construction  pop
    PDF files describing how to homebrew a 1:2.5 balun
    Votes: 41 | Rating: 6.71
  • Balun for HF wire antennas  pop
    Schema of a self made balun used to match randmon wire antennas mainly for shortwave ...
    Votes: 23 | Rating: 5.66
  • Balun Theory  pop
    The word balun means balanced unbalanced it s used to adapt a balanced device to ...
    By g4urh - Votes: 34 | Rating: 6.59
  • Baluns: theory and projects  pop
    All about baluns with photos, projects and instructions, by IZ7ATH
    By Talino - Votes: 48 | Rating: 6.01

Home : Antennas : Baluns : 1 to 1 Balun

  • A 1:1 Coaxial Balun  pop
    PDF article about a coaxial 1 1 balun original concept by I4BBE using a quarter ...
    Votes: 30 | Rating: 7.22

Home : Antennas : Bazooka

Home : Antennas : Beverage

  • A $50 Beverage  pop
    This antenna makes 80 and 160 enjoyable Less than 50 to hear Europeans all summer ...
    Votes: 23 | Rating: 6.55

Home : Antennas : Collinear

Home : Antennas : Delta loop

  • 40 Meter Parasitic Delta Loop  pop
    40 Meter 2 element full size parasitic delta loop wire beam construction and switchable ...
    By Chuck Stigberg - Votes: 37 | Rating: 6.07

Home : Antennas : Feed Lines

  • A T-Match ATU  pop
    An homebrew antenna tuner project
    Votes: 22 | Rating: 5.91

Home : Antennas : Halo

  • 6 meter omni halo  pop
    This halo antenna for 50 MHz is made with a true Gamma Section this time ...
    By KB1DIG - Votes: 29 | Rating: 7.33

Home : Antennas : Helical

  • 13 cm Helix Antenna  pop
    Here is the design of a 2 4 GHz antenna that is ideal for amateur ...
    Votes: 90 | Rating: 6.04
  • 2.4GHz Helix antenna  pop
    Concise instructions on making a broadband helical antenna for 2 4GHz use such as 802 ...
    Votes: 111 | Rating: 6.16

Home : Antennas : J-Pole

Home : Antennas : Loop

  • 160 meter full wave loop antenna  pop
    The antenna is a 10 160 meter horizontal loop fed with 450 ohm ladder line ...
    By K4QKY - Votes: 122 | Rating: 6.48
  • A Small Wire Loop Antennas for 160 meters  pop
    Low noise receive only coax loop antennas for 160 10 meters HF bands ...
    Votes: 11 | Rating: 6.82
  • AM Antennas  pop
    The ultimate AM loop antenna article It is the only article that includes the calculations ...
    Votes: 69 | Rating: 6.31

Home : Antennas : Magnetic Loop

Home : Antennas : Mobile

Home : Antennas : Multiband

  • 6-Band Windom antenna  pop
    Theory and construction of a novel trapless center loaded off center fed cl ocf dipole ...
    By ON4AA - Votes: 46 | Rating: 6.89

Home : Antennas : Portable

Home : Antennas : Quad

Home : Antennas : Theory

  • Antenna basics  pop
    Basics by From Ian C. Purdie, VK2TIP
    Votes: 37 | Rating: 5.13

Home : Antennas : Vertical

Home : Antennas : WiFi

Home : Antennas : Wire

  • 40m Short Antenna  pop
    GM4JMU shortened dipole for 40 meters band
    Votes: 32 | Rating: 5

Home : Ham Radio : Band Plans

  • Amateur Radio Band Plan Layout  pop
    Free downloadable band plans layouts ready to print in pdf format by C Gustave Sandberg ...
    By W1CGS - Votes: 156 | Rating: 7.16

Home : Internet and Radio : Police Scanners

Home : Manufacturers : Antenna Masts and Mounts

  • ACOM  pop
    ACOM international manufacturer of HF power amplifiers HF Antennas Antenna tuners Switches and Crankup masts ...
    By Acom - Votes: 18 | Rating: 6.89

Home : Manufacturers : Antenna Switches

  • Ameritron  pop
    Manufacturer of amplifiers antenna switches antenna Tuners wattmeters and relay buffers amplifier accessories antennas and ...
    By Ameritron - Votes: 24 | Rating: 6.5

Home : Manufacturers : Wattmeters

  • Alpha Linear Amplifiers  pop
    RF Concepts manufacturer of Alpha Linear Amplifiers amateur radio RF power amplifiers commercial power amplifiers ...
    Votes: 21 | Rating: 7.8

Home : Operating Aids : Beginner's Guides

Home : Operating Aids : Distance & Bearing

  • Amateur Radio Map  pop
    Create a Ham Radio Az Map on the fly, various dimension available
    Votes: 300 | Rating: 6.19

Home : Operating Modes : Mobile : Bicycle

Home : Operating Modes : WiFi : Long Range WiFi

  • 14Km 802.11B link test  pop
    G7EYT Carl G6NLC and Neil M1NCD sucessfully completed a 14Km range check with 802 11B ...
    By G7EYT - Votes: 46 | Rating: 5.35

Home : Radio Scanning : Regional : Australia

Home : Shopping and Services : Marine Radio

  • Atlantic Ham Radio Ltd.  pop
    Canada s premier amateur radio shortwave radio scanner CB marine and aircraft radio store A ...
    By Not applicable - Votes: 39 | Rating: 5.88

Home : Software : Antenna analysis

  • 4NEC2 antenna modeler  pop
    4nec2 is a completely free Nec2 Nec4 and windows based tool for creating viewing optimizing ...
    By Arie - Votes: 131 | Rating: 7.32

Home : Software : APRS

  • APRS Point  pop
    APRSPoint is an implementation of the latest APRS standard with high quality map support With ...
    Votes: 27 | Rating: 4.59

Home : Software : Legacy Systems : MS DOS

  • Antenna Maker  pop
    Antenna design program for Quads Yagis Inverted Vees J poles Trap Dipoles and more for ...
    Votes: 155 | Rating: 6.21

Home : Software : Spectrum analyzers

  • Analyzer2000  pop
    Superfast analyzer for audio and radio signals Examining radio signals is the original idea of ...
    Votes: 47 | Rating: 5.83

Home : Technical Reference : Amplifiers

Home : Technical Reference : Amplifiers : HF Amplifiers

  • 1.5 to 30 Mhz RF Amplifier  pop
    This high range amplifier is very small SB200 size Vacuum variable input and output caps ...
    By Gerry King - Votes: 43 | Rating: 3.82
  • 600 Watt HF Amplifier  pop
    Schematics plans by K9GDT and all infos to build a 600 Watt HF Amplifier The ...
    By K9GDT - Votes: 128 | Rating: 4.49

Home : Technical Reference : Audio

  • Audio spectrum analyzer  pop
    Analyzes audio from 10 Hz to 20 kHz input from microphone or wave file Variable ...
    By WD6CNF - Votes: 55 | Rating: 3.77
  • Audio Spectrum Analyzer - OscilloMeter  pop
    Audio Spectrum Analyzer for Real time FFT OscilloScope Frequency counter voltmeter noise and distortion meter ...
    By Oleg Ya. Shmelyoff - Votes: 329 | Rating: 6.21

Home : Technical Reference : Mic wiring

  • 11 Most Popular MIC Wiring Diagrams  pop
    11 most popular MIC wiring diagrams including AZDEN Alinco Icom Kenwood Yaesu Astatic Cobra Sadelta ...
    By xoomer - Votes: 193 | Rating: 5.46
  • About Mic-wiring  pop
    Kenwood Alinco and Icom amateur radio transceivers - Mic Wiring diagrams by pictures
    By IW5EDI - Votes: 17 | Rating: 6.28

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