Antennas - (5474) Ham radio antennas, home made ham radio antenna projects kits and drawings |
: 10M - (88) antenna projects for 10 meters band |
: 12M - (17) 12 meter antennas. Amateur radio antenna projects for 24 MHz, 12 meters band. |
: 15M - (42) 15 meters band antennas |
: 160M - (158) 160 meters band antenna |
: 17M - (37) 17 meter band antennas |
: 20M - (113) 20 meters band antennas |
: : 20 meter Dipole Antennas - (24) Dipole antennas for 20 meter band |
: : 20 meter Vertical Antennas - (13) 20 meter vertical antenna projects |
: : 20 meter Yagi antennas - (19) Plans for a 20 Meter Yagi Antenna |
: 23cm - (20) Antenna projects for 23 cm band 1200 MHz |
: 2M - (168) Antenna projects for 144 MHz |
: 30M - (23) Antenna Projects for the 10 MHz - 30 meter Band |
: 40M - (233) 40 meter band antennas projects |
: : 40 meter Delta Loop Antennas - (20) Delta loop antenna plans for the 40 meter band |
: : 40 meter Dipole Antennas - (51) Dipole antenna projects for the 40 meter band |
: : 40 meter Loop Antennas - (13) 40 meter Loop antenna projects |
: : 40 meter Magnetic Loop Antennas - (12) 7 MHz Magnetic Loop Antenna Projects |
: : 40 meter Vertical Antennas - (45) vertical antenna projects for the 40 meters band |
: : 40 meter Yagi Antennas - (13) Yagi Antennas for 7 MHz |
: 4M - (40) 70 Mhz antennas |
: 60M - (2) 60 Meter Antenna projects |
: 6M - (215) 50MHz antennas plans, homemade antennas for the six meters |
: : 6 meter J-Pole Antenna - (20) Home made j-pole antennas for six meter band, 50 MHz |
: : 6 meter Moxon Antennas - (17) A collection of 50 MHz Moxon antennas |
: : 6 meter Yagi Antennas - (76) Six meters band Yagi Antenna Projects |
: 70cm - (60) Antenna for 70 cm 432-440 MHz |
: 80M - (183) Antenna projects for 80 meters band |
: Active - (16) Active antenna projects |
: Antenna Books - (10) Ham radio antenna books and publications |
: Antenna Calculators - (108) Antenna design calculators |
: Array - (45) Antenna Arrays |
: Baluns - (154) Balun Construction. Baluns are devices to balance unbalanced systems. |
: : 1 to 1 Balun - (21) homebrew 1 to 1 balun |
: : 4 to 1 Balun - (25) 4 to 1 Balun |
: Bazooka - (39) Bazooka antenna projects and plans |
: Beverage - (49) Beverage antennas, long-wire antennas |
: C-Pole - (8) Compact Antennas for HF Portable use |
: Capacitive - (6) Capacitive antenna projects. Monopole radio antenna with transverse capacitive loading wires |
: CobWeb - (16) CobWeb Antenna plans |
: Coils - (26) Antenna Loading Coils |
: Collinear - (23) Collinear antennas |
: Delta loop - (60) Plans and projects on home made delta loops antennas |
: Dipole - (176) Dipole antennas plans |
: EH - (34) EH Antennas |
: End-Fed - (89) End-Fed Antenna projects and plans |
: : End Fed Half Wave Antenna - (43) EFHW End Fed Halfwave Antenna |
: Fan Dipole - (23) Fan-Dipole is a multiband wire antenna |
: Feed Lines - (133) Antenna feed lines and coax cables |
: : Choke - (29) Radio Frequency Chokes |
: : Coax Stubs - (7) Attenuation Coax Stubs |
: : Open Wire - (12) Open Wire feed line |
: Folded Dipole - (9) Links about Folded Dipole Antenna Projects, theory of folded dipole antennas. |
: Four Square - (19) Four Square antenna projects |
: Fractal - (12) Ham radio fractal antennas |
: G5RV - (50) Homebrew G5RV wire antennas |
: Halo - (24) Halo Antenna Projects |
: Handhelds - (3) Antennas for Handhdelds transceivers |
: HB9CV - (13) HB9CV Antennas |
: Helical - (38) Helix antennas |
: Hentenna - (9) Hentenna projets |
: HexBeam - (36) Hexagonal Beam Antennas |
: Homebrewing Techniques - (65) Antenna construction notes |
: Horn - (13) Horn Antenna |
: Indoor - (34) Amateur radio indoor antenna projects |
: Installation - (11) Antenna Installation |
: J-Pole - (98) Building J-Pole amateur radio antennas |
: K9AY - (12) K9AY loop Antennas |
: Lindenblad - (12) Lindenblad Satellite Antenna Projects |
: Log Periodic - (20) Log Periodic Antennas |
: Longwave - (10) 136 kHz Antennas |
: Loop - (74) Resonant Loop Antennas |
: Magnetic Loop - (171) Magnetic loop antenna projects |
: Maria Maluca - (8) HF Multi band directional antenna |
: Masts and mounts - (21) Antenna Mounts - Antenna Masts |
: Microwave - (9) Microwave Antenna |
: Mobile - (59) mobile antennas |
: Morgain - (5) Morgain Antenna is a dual band wire antenna |
: Moxon - (72) Links to moxon antenna resources |
: Multiband - (162) Multiband Antennas |
: NVIS - (22) NVIS Antennas |
: OCF - (20) Off-center-Fed dipole Antennas |
: Patch - (10) Patch Antenna |
: Portable - (154) Portable antennas |
: Quad - (94) quad antenna, how to build a quad antenna for ham radio use |
: Quadrifilar Helix - (17) QFH Antennas provides circular polarization and a near hemispherical coverage. A popular usage is for satellite reception. |
: Quagi - (18) Quagi antennas |
: Receiving - (95) Receiving only antennas |
: : EWE - (8) EWE Antenna |
: Repair and Maintenance - (15) Antenna Repair and Maintenance |
: Resonant Feedline Dipole - (6) RFD Resonant Feedline Dipole Antenna |
: Rhombic - (15) Rhombic antennas |
: Satellite - (73) Amateur Satellite Antennas |
: Shortwave - (56) Shortwave antenna plans and links |
: Skeleton Slot - (6) Skeleton Slot Antenna |
: Slim Jim - (29) Slim Jim Antenna |
: Sloper - (18) Sloper Antenna |
: Slot - (7) Slot Antenna |
: Spiral - (9) Spiral Antenna |
: Stealth - (71) Hidden antennas, antennas for low space |
: T2FD - (8) T2FD Tilted Terminated Folded Dipole Antenna |
: Theory - (266) Antenna theory, basics,design antenna |
: : Antenna Gain - (27) Antenna Gain explained |
: : Impedance matching - (29) Antenna impedance matching systems, gamma matches, various match systems |
: : Wind Load - (4) Calculating Antenna Wind Load |
: Towers - (67) Antenna Towers |
: Traps - (29) Antenna traps |
: Tuners - (96) Homebrewing antenna tuners |
: Vertical - (192) Vertical Antennas Projects |
: VHF UHF - (137) antennas for vhf and uhf radio bands |
: W3DZZ - (15) W3DZZ Antenna |
: W3EDP - (16) W3EDP END-FED Antenna |
: WiFi - (77) 2.4 GHz Wifi antennas |
: Windom - (30) Windom antenna links |
: Wire - (186) Long Wire and Dipole Antenans for ham radio |
: Yagi - (115) Yagi Antennas for ham radio use, manufacturers, plans and design |
: ZS6BKW - (22) ZS6BKW antenna |
Antique Radios - (256) antique radios and boatanchors, repair old radio or tubes |
: Antique Radio Reference - (4) Sites about antique radio, vitange radio |
: Buying and selling - (30) Antique radio buy and sell |
: Clubs - (32) Antique radio clubs and organizations |
: Collections - (67) Collections of antique radios,photo of vintage radios |
: Collins Collectors - (6) Collins Radio Collections |
: Military - (18) Military radios resources, antique |
: Museums - (20) Museums of antique radios |
: Parts and Tubes - (21) Tubes for antique radio |
: Repair and Restoration - (46) Antique radio repair |
: Schematics - (12) Schematics of antique radios |
CB Radio - (212) CB radio web sites |
: Clubs - (128) CB clubs and Organizations |
: : Alfa Tango - (11) Alfa Tango |
: : India Radio - (2) India Radio DX club, IR club, cb radio dx group |
: : Sugar Delta - (7) Sugar Delta web sites |
: DXing - (5) DX news sites for cb radio freebanders |
: : DX peditions - (1) cb radio dx peditions |
: Packet and Digital - (8) cb Packet radio, eleven meters band |
: Personal Pages - (47) CB Radio operators personal web site |
: References - (24) cb radio and eleven meters band links to web sites |
DX Resources - (1646) Amateur radio dx news, DX Peditions, Calendars, Contest,logs |
: Beacons - (175) Beacons : ham radio beacon |
: : 10 GHz Beacons - (6) 10 GHz Beacons |
: : 10 meter beacons - (66) 10 meters beacons |
: : 6 meters beacons - (20) Beacons on 50 Mhz |
: : Beacon Lists - (15) beacon lists |
: : Beacon Monitoring - (10) Beacon Monitoring |
: : Beacon stations - (32) HF & VHF Beacon Stations Worldwide |
: Callsigns - (54) Callsign searching and amateur radio call-signs |
: : Vanity Call Signs - (10) Vanity call sign |
: Clubs - (39) Amateur Radio DX Clubs |
: Clusters - (58) Ham-radio DX clusters nodes for dxers |
: : Mobile DX Cluster - (6) Mobile dx cluster |
: Contest - (200) Ham radio contest, contesting, radio sports |
: Contest Calendars - (12) Ham radio contest calendar |
: : Contest Results - (16) Ham Radio Contest Results |
: : Contest Rules - (56) Contest Rules |
: : : RTTY - (12) RTTY Contests |
: : Contest Stations - (43) Ham Radio Contest Stations |
: : Resources - (36) Ham Radio Contests sites |
: : SO2R - (6) SO2R Single operator two radios |
: : Sponsors - (4) Ham Radio Contest Sponsors |
: County Hunting - (12) Links for US Counties Hunters |
: DX Calendars - (4) Amateur radio dx calendars |
: DX Foundations - (7) DX Foundations |
: DX Maps - (19) DX Maps |
: DX Peditions - (415) Ham radio DX peditions web sites |
: : 2010 DXpeditions - (29) 2010 DXPeditions |
: : 2011 DXpeditions - (40) Ham Radio DX Peditions in 2011 |
: : 2012 DXpeditions - (42) Links to Amateur Radio DX-Peditions |
: : 2013 DXpeditions - (41) DX Peditions 2013 |
: : 2014 DXpeditions - (24) 2014 DX Peditions |
: : 2015 DXpeditions - (12) Link to amateur radio dx peditions in 2015 |
: : 2016 DXpeditions - (9) Ham Radio DX Peditions in 2016 |
: : 2017 DXpeditions - (19) Ham Radio DX Peditions in 2017 |
: : 2018 DXpeditions - (17) Amateur Radio DX Peditions in 2018 |
: : 2019 DXpeditions - (24) Ham Radio DX Operations in 2019, includes DX Peditions and portable DX operations |
: : 2020 DXpeditions - (13) Amateur Radio DX Peditions in 2020 |
: : 2021 DXpeditions - (3) Amateur Radio DX Peditions in 2021 |
: : 2022 DXpeditions - (7) DX peditions 2022 |
: : 2023 DXpeditions - (21) DX-Peditions in 2023 |
: : 2024 DXpeditions - (15) Ham Radio DX Peditions 2024 |
: : Announcements - (9) Announcing your dxpedition, submit it to dx newsletters editors. |
: : Sponsors - (7) dxpedition sponsorship |
: DX Stories - (4) Read about the adventures and challenges of amateur radio operators who travel to remote and exotic locations to make contact with other operators around the world |
: DXCC - (19) DXCC list related resources |
: Ham Radio Awards - (122) Amateur radio awards |
: : Castle Awards - (11) Ham Radio Castle Awards |
: : Lighthouses Awards - (23) Ham Radio Lighthouses Awards |
: : WorldWide Flora and Fauna - (13) WWFF WorldWide Flora & Fauna Awards |
: IOTA - (30) IOTA related resources |
: : Blogs & Personal homepages - (1) IOTA personal blogs, and sites |
: JOTA - (7) jota, jamboree on the air |
: Log Analysis - (7) Contest Analysis |
: Logs - (180) Ham radio log books and log searches collection |
: Logs Search Services - (9) Ham radio search Log online services |
: Nets - (44) ham radio nets for amateur radio operators |
: : Emergency Nets - (11) Amateur radio nets to help in disaster events |
: Newsletters - (34) ham radio news bulletins, newsletters and latest dx info |
: Prefixes - (7) Amateur Radio Prefixes |
: QSL Bureaus - (6) Incoming and Outgoing QSL Service |
: QSL manager - (14) QSL manager lookup |
: QSLing - (78) All about QSL'ing sending Ham radio QSL |
: : International reply coupons - (5) About IRC International reply coupons |
: : QSL Galleries - (31) QSL Cards Galleries |
: QSO Party - (46) QSO party resources |
: Shack Rental - (27) Ham radio holidays, shack for rent |
: Sked - (3) Ham Radio DX Scheduling |
: SOTA - (14) SOTA: Summits on the Air |
FRS and GMRS - (16) FRS GMRS links to family radio service PMR LPD web sites |
: Getting started - (0) Getting Started With FRS FAQ and information on FRS |
: PMR 446 - (0) pmr 466, private mobile radio resources, pmr466 links |
: Resources - (0) FRS general information links |
Ham Radio - (3178) Ham Radio links |
: ARES RACES - (47) Emergency Communications by ham radio operators |
: Band Plans - (79) Amateur radio frequency allocations, band plans |
: : Frequency coordination - (36) Ham radio frequency allocations |
: Blogs - (283) ham radio blogs |
: : Asia - (51) Ham radio blogs in Asia |
: : : India - (7) Ham Radio Blogs from India |
: : : Japan - (23) Ham Radio Blogs : Japan |
: : Canada - (12) Ham Radio blogs from Canada |
: : Europe - (98) ham radio blogs from europe |
: : : Germany - (11) Ham Radio Blogs from Germany |
: : : UK - (23) Ham Radio Blogs |
: : Oceania - (11) Ham radio blogs |
: : Special Interest - (12) Special interest ham radio blogs |
: : USA - (83) USA ham radio blogs |
: Clubs - (2178) Links to Ham Radio Clubs and Organizations world wide |
: : ARRL - (10) American Radio Relay League web sites |
: : Asia - (18) Asiatic ham radio clubs |
: : : India - (3) Ham Radio Clubs in India |
: : Australia - (26) Australian ham radio clubs |
: : Contest Clubs - (93) Contest Clubs |
: : Europe - (426) European radio clubs |
: : : Belgium - (14) Belgian radio clubs |
: : : Denmark - (3) Ham radio clubs in Denmark |
: : : France - (6) Amateur radio clubs in france |
: : : Germany - (24) Deutsche amateur radio clubs |
: : : Italy - (30) Ham radio clubs based in italy |
: : : : Emilia Romagna - (1) Ham radio emilia romagna |
: : : : Lombardia - (7) Ham Radio Clubs in Lombardia Italy |
: : : : Marche - (1) Ham Radio in Marche Italy |
: : : : Toscana - (1) Ham radio clubs in tuscany |
: : : : Trentino Alto Adige - (1) Ham Radio Trentino |
: : : Norway - (28) ham radio clubs in norway |
: : : Portugal - (12) Ham Radio Clubs in Portugal |
: : : Spain - (26) ham radio clubs in spain |
: : : Turkey - (3) Turkey,ham radio,club |
: : : UK - (210) UK Amateur Radio Clubs |
: : : : Central England - (19) Central England Ham Radio Clubs |
: : : : Eastern England - (33) Ham Radio Clubs in Eastern England |
: : : : Northern England - (37) Amateur Radio Clubs in England |
: : : : Northern Ireland - (1) Northern Ireland Ham Radio clubs |
: : : : Scotland - (21) Ham Radio Clubs in Scotland |
: : : : Southern England - (54) Ham Radio Clubs in Southern England |
: : : : Wales - (12) Wales Ham Radio Clubs |
: : : Ukraine - (14) Amateur radio clubs in Ukraine |
: : New Zealand - (16) New Zealand amateur radio clubs |
: : North America - (1368) ham radio clubs in north america |
: : : Canada - (142) Canada, ham radio clubs |
: : : : Alberta - (13) ham radio clubs in alberta |
: : : : British Columbia - (31) British Columbia,ham radio,club,clubs |
: : : : Manitoba - (3) manitoba amateur radio clubs |
: : : : New Brunswick - (4) Amateur radio in New Brunswick Canada |
: : : : Newfoundland & Labrador - (3) amateur radio clubs in Newfoundland & Labrador |
: : : : Nova Scotia - (8) amateur radio clubs in Nova Scotia |
: : : : Ontario - (55) Amateur radio clubs located in ontario |
: : : : Prince Edward Island - (2) Amateur Radio in Prince Edward Island |
: : : : Quebec - (18) Amateur radio clubs in quebec |
: : : : Saskatchewan - (3) Amateur radio clubs in Saskatchewan |
: : : : Yukon Territory - (1) Ham Radio Clubs in Yukon |
: : : USA - (1224) ham radio clubs based in US, united states amateur radio clubs |
: : : : Alabama - (17) Alabama ham radio clubs |
: : : : Alaska - (10) Ham Radio Clubs in Alaska |
: : : : Arizona - (28) Arizona Ham radio clubs |
: : : : Arkansas - (8) ham radio clubs in arkansas |
: : : : California - (139) Ham radio clubs in california |
: : : : Colorado - (7) ham radio clubs in colorado |
: : : : Connecticut - (27) Connecticut ham radio clubs |
: : : : Delaware - (6) Ham radio clubs in Delaware |
: : : : Florida - (69) Florida ham radio clubs |
: : : : Georgia - (20) Georgia ham radio clubs |
: : : : Hawaii - (5) ham radio clubs in hawaii |
: : : : Idaho - (12) Idaho ham radio clubs |
: : : : Illinois - (50) Illinois ham radio clubs |
: : : : Indiana - (21) Ham radio clubs in Indiana |
: : : : Iowa - (13) Radio clubs in Iowa |
: : : : Kansas - (7) Ham radio clubs in kansas |
: : : : Kentucky - (19) ham radio clubs in kentucky |
: : : : Louisiana - (7) Lousisana Ham radio clubs |
: : : : Maine - (13) Maine ham radio clubs |
: : : : Maryland - (10) maryland ham radio clubs |
: : : : Massachusetts - (34) Massachusetts ham radio clubs |
: : : : Michigan - (76) Michigan radio clubs |
: : : : Minnesota - (24) Minnesota ham radio clubs |
: : : : Mississippi - (10) Missisippi ham radio clubs |
: : : : Missouri - (16) Missouri ham radio clubs |
: : : : Montana - (7) Montana Amateur Radio Clubs |
: : : : Nebraska - (10) Ham radio clubs in Nebraska |
: : : : Nevada - (12) Ham radio clubs in nevada |
: : : : New Hampshire - (10) New Hampshire ham radio clubs |
: : : : New Jersey - (40) New Jersey ham radio clubs |
: : : : New York - (60) New York ham radio clubs |
: : : : North Carolina - (27) North carolina radio clubs |
: : : : North Dakota - (4) Ham Radio Clubs in north dakota USA |
: : : : Ohio - (58) Ohio ham radio clubs |
: : : : Oklahoma - (13) Amateur radio clubs in Oklahoma USA |
: : : : Oregon - (20) Oregon ham radio clubs |
: : : : Pennsylvania - (65) Ham radio clubs in Pennsylvania |
: : : : Rhode Island - (3) Rhode Island radio clubs |
: : : : South Carolina - (14) south carolina radio clubs |
: : : : South Dakota - (7) South Dakota ham radio clubs |
: : : : Tennessee - (26) Tennessee radio clubs |
: : : : Texas - (84) ham radio clubs in Texas |
: : : : Utah - (12) Ham Radio Clubs in Utah |
: : : : Vermont - (6) Vermont Amateur Radio Clubs |
: : : : Virginia - (19) radio clubs in virginia |
: : : : Washington - (28) Washington State Ham Radio Clubs |
: : : : West Virginia - (10) West Virginia ham radio clubs |
: : : : Wisconsin - (20) Wisconsin ham radio clubs |
: : : : Wyoming - (8) Wyoming Amateur Radio Clubs |
: : Scouting - (7) Amateur Radio Scouting Clubs |
: : IARU Societies - (66) ham radio clubs and societies IARU members world wide |
: : South America - (19) ham radio clubs in south america |
: : : Argentina - (4) Argentina amateur radio clubs |
: : Technical Specialty - (70) Special interests radio clubs |
: : : Digital Modes Clubs - (11) Clubs dedicated to PSK31, RTTY and other operating modes |
: : : QRP Clubs - (23) Ham radio QRP clubs and associations |
: : Universities - (33) College and University related groups and organizations worldwide |
: : YL - (22) YL Clubs, Young Ladies Amateur Radio Clubs |
: Demographics - (17) Demographics statistics of amateur radio population |
: Disabilities - (16) Amateur Radio for the disabled |
: Elmers - (4) Ham radio elmers and help |
: Exams - (58) Ham Radio exam tutorials and study guides |
: : Exam Practice - (11) Ham Radio Exam Practice |
: : Exam Questions - (8) Ham Radio Exam Questions & Answers |
: : Instructor Resources - (7) Ham Radio Exams, resources for instructors |
: : Study Guides - (14) Amateur Radio Study Guides |
: Famous Hams - (4) Famous ham radio operators |
: Ham Radio News - (2) Links to sites and resources about amateur radio news and updates. |
: Ham Shack - (4) Showcase of ham radio shacks, building your own ham shack. |
: Hamfests - (51) ham radio Hamfests links by the dxzone |
: Licensing - (28) Ham Radio licensing |
: News Casts - (5) Ham radio audio news casts |
: Personal Pages - (316) Ham radio operators personal pages and links |
: : Brazil - (8) Brazilian ham radio personal pages |
: : Europe - (160) Ham radio operators based in europe |
: : : Italy - (38) Ham Radio pages in italy |
: : USA - (62) Ham radio operators web pages from USA |
: Radio Scouting - (6) Ham Radio and Boy Scouts |
: Regional - (39) Regional Ham Radio Resources |
: : Brazil - (11) Brazil Ham Radio |
: : Denmark - (5) Amateur Radio Danish Resources |
: : India - (4) Ham Radio in India |
: : Italy - (10) Ham Radio Resources in Italy |
: : : Forums - (3) Italian Ham Radio Forums |
: : Japan - (5) japanese ham radio links and resources |
: : Ukraine - (3) Ham Radio in Ukraine |
: Resources - (37) Ham radio resouces, FCC links, beginners guide |
: YOTA - (4) Youngsters on the Air |
Internet and Radio - (538) ham radio internet resources |
: Auctions - (4) Amateur Radio Auction |
: Chat - (6) ham radio chat, cb radio chat |
: Classifieds - (38) Radio Classified Ads |
: Directories - (25) ham radio and cb radio links |
: Forums - (40) Web forums on amateur radio topics |
: Ftp Sites - (0) Radio related Ftp sites where is possible to download Ham radio software |
: Humor - (22) ham radio humor cartoons related pages and links |
: Live streaming - (31) live streaming audio from ham radio stations |
: Mailing Lists - (28) amateur radio and ham radio mailing lists |
: News Groups - (5) ham radio related UseNet newsgroups |
: Online Receivers - (35) Web controlled receivers, online receivers to listen to hf and vhf radio spectrum |
: Other Resources - (22) Internet and Radio resorces |
: Pictures - (12) ham radios images, radio pictures |
: Podcast - (27) Listen to radio related podcasts |
: Police Scanners - (114) Listen to Public safety broadcasts on the internet |
: Radio Gateways - (6) ham radio gateways to internet connecting amateur radio packet to internet |
: Social Networks - (3) Ham Radio Social Networks |
: Sounds - (51) Ham radio sound samples & DX audio clips |
: Tutorials - (7) How to guide about radio and internet |
: Video - (23) Ham radio video |
: Web Cams - (8) Ham radio webcams |
: Web Rings - (4) ham radio, cb radio, swl web rings |
: WebSDR - (27) WebSDR Software Defined Radio Online |
Manufacturers - (2141) Ham Radio equipment manufacturers. Accessories, transceivers, antennas and more |
: Accessories - (99) ham radio accessories |
: Alternative Power - (40) Alternative Power manufacturers |
: : Portable Generators - (8) portable generators manufacturers |
: : Solar Panels - (19) Solar Panels |
: : Wind Generators - (9) Wind Generators |
: Amateur Radio Maps - (3) Printed ham radio maps |
: Amplifiers - (59) Manufacturers of Ham Radio RF Power Amplifiers |
: Antenna Analyzers - (20) Makers of Amateur and Professional Antenna Analyzers |
: Antenna Launcher - (4) Antenna Launchers Manufacturers |
: Antenna Masts and Mounts - (37) Antenna masts and mounts |
: Antenna Parts - (59) Antenna parts |
: : Aluminium Tubing - (15) Aluminium tubes for antennas |
: : Fiberglass tubing - (17) Fiberglass products suppliers |
: Antenna Rotators - (20) Antenna rotators and rotors |
: Antenna Switches - (9) Manufacturers of Antenna Switches |
: Antenna Tuners - (25) Antenna tuner manufacturers |
: Antennas - (679) ham radio antenna manufacturers HF VHF CB Mobile |
: : Broadcast - (7) Broadcast Antenna Manufacturers |
: : CB - (12) CB Antenna Manufacturers |
: : GPS - (7) GPS Antennas Manufacturers |
: : HF - (329) Manufacturers of amateur radio HF antenna. |
: : : Active antennas - (12) HF Receiving antennas suppliers |
: : : Delta Loop Antennas - (7) HF Delta loop antenna suppliers |
: : : Dipole Antenna - (37) Ham Radio HF Dipole Antenna suppliers |
: : : G5RV - (5) Makers of G5RV antennas |
: : : HexBeam - (10) Hex-Beam Antenna Manufacturers |
: : : Log Periodic Antennas - (8) Log-Periodic antennas manufacturers |
: : : Magnetic Loop - (14) HF Magnetic Loop Antennas suppliers |
: : : Mobile Antennas - (29) HF mobile antenna manufacurers |
: : : : Screwdriver Antennas - (8) Screwdriver antenna makers |
: : : Quad Antennas - (15) HF Quad antenna manufacturers |
: : : Small & Stealth Antennas - (23) HF Small and stealth antenna suppliers |
: : : Vertical Antennas - (33) HF Vertical Antenna suppliers |
: : : Yagi Antennas - (27) HF Yagi antennas suppliers |
: : Land Mobile - (7) Land Mobile Antennas Manufacturers |
: : Marine - (16) Marine Antenna Manufacturers |
: : Military - (26) Military Antennas |
: : VHF UHF Microwave - (173) Manufacturer of VHF UHF Microwave antennas |
: : : Discone Antennas - (5) Discone Antenna manufacturers |
: : : Ground Plane Antennas - (1) VHF Ground Plane antenna manufacturers |
: : : HT Antennas - (11) HT antennas manufacturers |
: : : Microwave antennas - (8) Microwave antennas manufacturers |
: : : Mobile Antennas - (22) Mobile antennas manufacturers |
: : : Quad Antennas - (5) Quad antennas manufacturers |
: : : Satellite antennas - (9) Satellite antenna manufacturers |
: : : Vertical Antennas - (20) Vertical antennas manufacturers |
: : : Yagi Antennas - (26) Yagi antenna manufacturers |
: APRS - (7) APRS Trackers, APRS Products |
: Arduino - (2) Kits made with arduino, shields and accessories |
: Baluns - (29) Balun vendors |
: Broadcasting Equipment - (7) Broadcasting Equipment |
: Cable and Connectors - (84) Cable Connectors and Wires |
: Digital and Packet Radio - (50) Ham radio packet radio and digital emissions manufacturers |
: : TNC - (11) TNC Manufacturers |
: Digital Mobile Radio - (10) DMR Equipment Manufacturers |
: Electronic Components - (21) Electronic Parts Manufacturers |
: Filters - (49) Band Pass Filters |
: Front Panel - (3) Front panel manufacturer |
: Ham Shack Accessories - (7) Ham Radio Shack Accessories product manufacturers |
: Interfaces - (36) Computer radio interfaces |
: Lightning and Surge Protection - (23) Manufcaturers of Lightning protection and surge protection |
: Memory Keyers - (14) CW Memory keyers and voice memory keyers |
: Microphones - (18) Manufacturers of ham radio mics |
: Microwave - (36) Microwave communication equipment manufacturers and services |
: Military - (1) Military radio equipment |
: Morse Key - (29) Morse Key Manufacturers |
: Morse Keyers - (21) Morse keyers and morse paddles manufacturers |
: Parts and Surplus - (43) Ham radio Supplies, Parts,Surplus Parts, |
: Power Supply - (42) Power Supply Manufacturers |
: Publications - (34) Books and magazines |
: QRP Kits - (49) Commercial QRP Kits |
: Radio Direction Finding - (13) Radio Direction Finding Systems |
: Receivers - (24) Receivers Manufacturers |
: Remote Control - (6) Remote control devices |
: Repeaters - (18) ham Radio Repeaters, manufacturers |
: Scanners - (11) Radio scanners manufacturers |
: Shipping Cases - (7) Shipping cases |
: Software Defined Radio - (49) Software Defined Radios |
: : Upconverters - (7) Upconverter for RTL SDR |
: Soldering - (5) Soldering iron manufacturers |
: Speakers and Headsets - (21) Manufacturers of speakers and headsets for amateur radio use |
: SWR Meters - (25) Power meter and SWR meter manufacturers |
: Test Equipment - (117) Test equipment manufacturers |
: : Frequency Counter - (11) Frequency Counter Makers |
: : Impedance Analyzers - (4) Impedance analyzer Manufacturers |
: : Multimeters - (13) Multimeters makers |
: : Oscilloscope - (18) Analog and digital oscilloscope |
: : Power Meter - (11) Power meter manufacturers |
: : Signal generator - (13) RF Signal Generator manufacturers |
: : Spectrum Analyzers - (17) Spectrum Analyzers |
: Towers and Accessories - (72) towers accessories |
: : Towers Erection Supplies - (8) Tower Erector's Accessories |
: Transceivers - (62) RTX TX manufacturers |
: : CB Radio - (11) CB Radios Manufacturers |
: : Icom - (8) Icom official web sites for amateur radio |
: : Kenwood - (7) Kenwood corp. international web sites for amateur radio and two way comm. |
: Transverters - (8) Transverters manufacturers and vendors |
: Tubes & Semiconductors - (16) tubes,radio,vacuum,ham radio |
: Wattmeters - (17) Wattmeters manufacturers |
: WiFi - (1) WiFi equipment manufacturers |
Operating Aids - (390) Ham radio operating aids, utilities and tools needed for amateur radio operations |
: Awards - (13) ham radio awards,certificates for ham radio operators |
: Beginner's Guides - (87) Guides to amateur radio for beginners |
: : What Amateur Radio is - (14) What is amateur radio, also known as Ham-Radio |
: Distance & Bearing - (12) Ham radio tools, bearings and distances calculators |
: Grid Squares - (28) Amateur radio grid squares |
: History - (52) Radio history people and places including Marconi |
: : Marconi - (8) Links on Guglielmo Marconi formerly known as inventor of radio |
: Log Formats - (4) Information on Ham Radio Log formats ADIFF Cabrillo |
: Logbook - (10) Ham Radio Logbook and logsheets |
: Maps - (91) Ham radio maps, prefix maps, world maps |
: Phonetics and codes - (13) Ham Radio glossaries dictionaries codes and terminology |
: Radio Spectrum - (34) Radio Frequemcy spectrum and allocations including radio band plans |
: Time - (22) Time Reference |
: Traffic Handling - (6) Getting the message through |
: Travelling - (18) Travelling informations for radio amateurs |
Operating Modes - (1566) Amateur radio operating modes and ham bands |
: 50 Mhz - (40) 50 mhz, six metre band for ham radio operators, 6 meters and links |
: 70 MHz - (8) Four meters 70 MHZ band |
: Aircraft scatter - (7) Airplane scattering is observed on HF to VHF through to microwaves and yields momentary propagation up to 800 km |
: AM - (9) AM operations,Amplitude Modulation |
: Amateur Radio Astronomy - (30) Amateur Radio Astronomy |
: Amateur Television - (54) Ham Radio ATV, Amateur Television related |
: : Clubs - (5) ATV Club |
: Amtor - (6) Amtor operating mode |
: APRS - (59) APRS automatic position reporting system ham radio links |
: : APRS in USA - (5) APRS resources in USA |
: Chip64 - (5) CHIP64 operating mode |
: D-STAR - (51) Digital Smart Technologies for Amateur Radio |
: : D-Star Clubs - (11) D-Star Clubs |
: Digital ATV - (10) Digital Amateur Television D-ATV |
: Digital Modes - (21) Operating with Amateur Radio Digital Modes |
: Digital Voice - (12) Digital Voice |
: DMR - (16) Digital Mobile Radio |
: DSP - (31) Ham radio digital signal processing modes |
: EME - (42) EME ham radio moon bounce radio links |
: ESSB - (12) Extended Single SideBand Operations |
: FT8 - (7) Operating the K1JT FT8 amateur radio digital mode |
: GPS - (9) Global Positioning System Overview |
: Ham Radio Balloons - (23) Ham Radio Balloning |
: Hellschreiber - (15) Hellschreiber |
: HF Operations - (5) Operating HF Bands |
: HSMM - (17) High-speed multimedia radio |
: International Space Station - (8) Amateur Radio on the International Space Station |
: Internet Linking - (30) Internet linking allows repeaters or simplex stations to be linked |
: : AllStarLink - (6) AllStarLink is a world wide network of Amateur Radio repeaters, remote base stations and hot spots accessible to each other via the Internet and/or private IP networks. |
: : Echo Link - (12) EchoLink related web sites links |
: : IRLP - (6) IRLP, internet radio linking project web sites links |
: JT65 - (14) JT65 operating mode |
: JT9 - (5) JT9 weak-signal ham radio mode |
: Longwave - (41) Low Frequency radio operations VLF ELF, longwave links |
: Meteors - (23) operanting meteor scatter |
: MFSK - (9) MFSK radio dx operating mode |
: Microwave - (17) Ham radio microwave |
: Mobile - (85) Ham radio mobile |
: : Bicycle - (12) Bicycle and ham radio |
: : Maritime Mobile - (3) Maritime mobile amateur radio |
: : Motorcycle - (5) Ham Radio Motorcycling |
: : RV & Camping - (14) Ham Radio RV and Camping |
: Morse code - (187) ham radio, CW, morse code links to cw websites |
: : Clubs - (25) Morse code, cw radio clubs around the world |
: : High Speed CW - (8) High Speed Morse Code resources |
: : : HST Championships - (2) HST Championships Web Sites worldwide |
: : Learning Morse Code - (49) Learn morse code, methods and tips |
: : Morse Code Practice Audio Files - (12) Morse Code Practice Audio Files to download |
: : Morse Key Collections - (27) Collectors of morse code keys |
: : Morse operating guides - (15) Morse code operating guides |
: Navtex - (4) About Navtex the navigational telex communication |
: NBEMS - (7) Narrow Bandwidth Emergency Messaging System |
: NPR New Packet Radio - (3) Bi directional IP over radio link |
: NVIS - (3) Operating NVIS Near Vertical Incidence Skywave |
: Packet Radio - (51) Amateur radio,packet radio operations, links |
: : Beginner's Guide - (9) Packet radio Beginner's guides |
: : Clubs - (6) ham radio packet radio digital emissions clubs |
: Portable Operations - (50) Portable operations |
: PSK31 - (26) PSK31 ham radio opeating mode links |
: QRP - (37) QRP, links to ham radio low power communications |
: QRSS - (25) QRSS Amateur VLF operating mode |
: Radio Direction Finding - (50) Radio Direction Finding, Ham Fox hunting, radio transmitter hunting |
: : Clubs - (11) Amateur radio direction finding clubs and organizations |
: Remote Operations - (18) Operating amateur radio station remotely |
: Repeaters - (108) Radio repeater lists world wide links |
: : Europe - (21) Europe Repeater Lists |
: : Repeater maps - (16) Repeater Maps |
: : USA - (40) Radio Repeaters based in USA |
: Robust Packet - (2) Robust Packet (RP) is a version of the amateur mode PACKET optimized for shortwave use |
: RTTY - (28) operating RTTY in ham radio bands |
: Satellites - (111) Satellites related links |
: : Analog Satellites - (2) Analog satellite resources |
: : AO-51 - (4) Operating AO-51 Satellite |
: : Clubs - (7) Links to AMSAT official web sites |
: : CubeSats - (11) Building, launching and operating CubeSats |
: : Digital Satellites - (1) Digital Satellites Resources |
: : Hamsat VO-52 - (1) Hamsat VO52 satellite |
: : QO-100 - (7) Es'hailSat Qatar-OSCAR 100 |
: : Real Time Tracking - (5) Real Time Tracking |
: : Weather Satellite - (11) Weather satellite reception |
: SSTV - (30) SSTV operating slow scan television in ham radio |
: : SSTV Images - (6) SSTV picture galleries |
: Stealth Amateur Radio - (3) ham radio stealth operations |
: System Fusion - (4) Digital Amateur Radio C4FM |
: Top Band - (10) TopBand 160 Meters |
: VHF UHF - (47) VHF UHF Microwave operating modes for ham radio operators |
: Weak Signal - (23) Weak Signal Operations |
: WEFAX - (12) Fax & WEFAX - Weather and Amateur Facsimile |
: WiFi - (6) WiFi amateur radio operations |
: : Long Range WiFi - (4) Long Distance Wi-Fi |
Propagation - (208) Links to radio propagation web sites |
: Aurora - (9) Aurora |
: Beginner's Guide - (8) Guide to radio wave propagation, studies, guides and documentation |
: Long-Delayed Echoes - (9) Echoed Radio signals which return to the sender several seconds after a radio transmission has occurred |
: MUF Indicators - (9) MUF Indicators |
: NVIS Propagation - (7) propagation method that provides usable signals in the range between groundwave and skywave distances |
: Observatories - (18) observatories |
: Propagation Forecast - (31) Propagation forecast |
: Resources - (71) Radio wave propagation links for amateur radio |
: Solar Cycle - (10) Solar Cycle, status and progression |
: Sporadic E - (19) Sporadic E propagation |
: Sunspots - (17) sunspots |
Radio Equipment - (1681) Ham Radio, two-way radio equipment, antennas, receivers, transceivers and accessories |
: Amateur Radio Accessories - (7) Accessories fot the amateur radio operators, reviews and comparisons |
: Antenna Analyzers - (18) Antenna Analyzers Products |
: : Array Solutions AIM 4170D - (4) AIM 4170D Antenna Analyzer |
: : MFJ-259B - (8) MFJ-259B |
: Antenna Tuners - (12) Antenna Tuners reviews and resources |
: : AT-Auto - (3) AT-AUTO, A T Auto |
: : Icom AH-4 - (2) Icom AH-4 auto tuner |
: : LDG Z-100 - (3) LDG Z-100 Low Cost antenna automatic tuner |
: : MFJ-989C - (1) MFJ-989C HF antenna tuner |
: Contest Hardware - (5) Ham radio contest hardware and tools |
: HF Amplifiers - (117) HF power amplifiers resources |
: : Acom 1000 - (7) ACOM 1000 HF Amplifier |
: : Acom 1010 - (4) RF Power Aplifier ACOM 1010 |
: : Alpha 8410 - (4) Alpha 8410 RF power Amplifier |
: : Alpha 87A - (7) Alpha 87A Power Amplifier |
: : Alpha 9500 - (3) Alpha 9500 Fully-automatic 160-10M amplifier |
: : Ameritron AL-80B - (4) Ameritron AL-80B |
: : Ameritron AL-811 - (10) Ameritron AL-811 and AL-811H resources |
: : Ameritron AL-811H - (8) 160-10 meter RF Amplifier |
: : Ameritron ALS-600 - (10) Ameritron ALS 600 Links |
: : Heathkit SB-200 - (10) Heathkit SB-200 and SB-201 |
: : Heathkit SB-220 - (8) Heathkit SB-220 and Heathkit SB-221 |
: : Icom PW-1 - (10) ICOM PW-1 RF power amplifier |
: : Kenwood TL-922 - (15) Kenwood TL-922 TL-922A Power amplifier |
: : Yaesu FL-2100 - (13) Yaesu FL-2100 RF Power Amplifier Links |
: HF Portable Antenna - (13) Ham Radio HF portable antennas |
: : Buddipole - (6) Buddipole HF Portable Antenna |
: : Super Antennas MP-1 - (2) Super Antenna HF portable antenna |
: : TransWorld Antennas TW2010 - (5) HF antenna with an H Desing for portable use |
: HF Transceivers - (956) Amateur Radio HF Radio Transceivers |
: : Drake TR7 - (13) Drake TR-7,TR7,DRAKE TR7 |
: : Elecraft K2 - (21) Elecraft K2 Links |
: : Elecraft K3 - (19) Elecraft K3 |
: : Elecraft K4 - (3) Elecraft K4 Links and Resources |
: : Elecraft KX2 - (5) A portable QRP 80-10m transceiver |
: : Elecraft KX3 - (13) Elecraft KX3 resources |
: : Icom IC-7000 - (25) Icom IC-7000 Resources |
: : Icom IC-703 - (11) Icom IC-703 HF + 6m amateur radio transceiver |
: : Icom IC-705 - (6) HF VHF UHF Portable Transceiver by ICOM |
: : Icom IC-706 - (44) Icom IC-706 links |
: : Icom IC-7100 - (9) All bands HF VHF UHF, all mode base transceiver |
: : Icom IC-718 - (11) Icom IC-718 links |
: : Icom IC-7300 - (25) IC-7300 HF and 50 MHz Trasceiver |
: : Icom IC-746 - (24) Icom IC-746 links |
: : Icom IC-756 - (28) HF and 6 meters 100 Watt SSB CW AM & FM |
: : Icom IC-7600 - (12) ICOM IC-7600 |
: : Icom IC-7610 - (11) Icom HF + 50MHz Transceiver |
: : Icom IC-7700 - (13) Icom IC-7700 Transceiver |
: : Icom IC-7760 - (2) Icom IC 7760 flagship transceiver released in 2024 provides 200W power, RTX HF+50 MHz. |
: : Icom IC-7851 - (6) Icom IC-7851 HF top class transceiver |
: : Icom IC-9100 - (6) Icom IC-9100 |
: : Kenwood TS-2000 - (29) Kenwood TS-2000 links |
: : Kenwood TS-450S - (3) Kenwood TS-450S |
: : Kenwood TS-480 - (8) Kenwood TS-480 Links |
: : Kenwood TS-50 - (11) Kenwood TS-50 Resources |
: : Kenwood TS-520S - (3) Links to Kenwood TS-520S Resources |
: : Kenwood TS-570 - (19) Kenwood TS-570 |
: : Kenwood TS-590S - (44) Kenwood TS-590S resources |
: : Kenwood TS-690S - (8) Kenwood TS-690S |
: : Kenwood TS-850 - (27) Kenwood TS-850 and TS-850S links |
: : Kenwood TS-870S - (8) Kenwood TS-870S resources |
: : Kenwood TS-890S - (4) Kenwood TS 890S, HF/50MHz/70MHz Transceiver |
: : Kenwood TS-940S - (5) Kenwood TS 940 |
: : Kenwood TS-950SDX - (5) Kenwood TS-950 SDX |
: : Kenwood TS-990 - (6) Kenwood TS-990 |
: : Ten-Tec Jupiter - (7) Ten-Tec Jupiter aka PegasusFP |
: : Ten-Tec Orion - (10) Ten-Tec Orion |
: : X1M - (4) X1M QRP transceiver |
: : XIEGU G90 - (2) Xiegu G90 is a portable 20W HF amateur radio transceiver with an SDR architecture |
: : Yaesu FT-100 - (19) Yaesu FT-100 links |
: : Yaesu FT-1000MP - (60) Yaesu FT-1000MP |
: : Yaesu FT-2000 - (32) Yaesu FT-2000 resources |
: : Yaesu FT-450 - (21) Yaesu FT-450 Resources |
: : Yaesu FT-710 - (4) Links to Yaesu FT 710 resources |
: : Yaesu FT-817 - (93) Yaesu FT-817 resources |
: : Yaesu FT-818 - (3) FT-818 Resources |
: : Yaesu FT-847 - (23) Yaesu FT-847 links |
: : Yaesu FT-857 - (60) Yaesu FT-857 links |
: : Yaesu FT-891 - (2) Resources and links to Yaesu FT-891 web sites |
: : Yaesu FT-897 - (34) Yaesu FT-897 resources |
: : Yaesu FT-9000 - (9) Yaesu FT-9000 links |
: : Yaesu FT-920 - (13) Yaesu FT-920 Links |
: : Yaesu FT-950 - (18) Yaesu FT-950 Resources |
: : Yaesu FT-991 - (8) Yaesu FT-991 Resources |
: : Yaesu FTDX-3000 - (12) Yaesu FT DX 3000 HF/50 MHz 100W Transceiver |
: : Yaesu FTDX-5000 - (7) Yaesu FTDX-5000 Resources |
: : Yaesu FTDX101 - (7) Yaesu FTDX101D Yaesu FTDX101MP Hybrid SDR trasceiver for HF and 6 meters |
: HF Vertical Antenna - (64) HF Vertical antenna |
: : Butternut HF2V - (4) Vertical Antenna Resonant on 2-Band, 80 and 40 meters |
: : Cushcraft R5 - (5) Cushcraft R5 |
: : Cushcraft R7 - (8) Cushcraft R7 Antenna |
: : Cushcraft R8 - (3) Cushcraft R8 Multiband HF Vertical Antenna |
: : GAP Titan - (20) GAP TITAN antenna |
: : Hustler 5-BTV - (5) Hustler 5-BTV, HF vertical antenna for 10,15,20,40 and 80 meters |
: : Maldol MFB-300 - (2) Maldol MFB-300 |
: : Solarcon A-99 - (7) Solarcon A99 10-20M Vertical Antenna |
: HF YAGI Antennas - (26) HF Yagi Antennas |
: : Cushcraft A3S - (9) A3S Triband Beam Antennas by Cushcraft |
: : Cushcraft MA5B - (6) Cushcraft MA5B Mini Beam |
: : Cushcraft X7 - (7) X7 Cushcraft tribander yagi antenna |
: : Hy-Gain TH3JR - (3) Hy-Gain TH3JR, 14 21 28 MHz 3 Element Triband Yagi - 20 15 10 Meters - JR Model |
: Microphones - (10) Ham Radio Microphones |
: : Heil PR-781 - (5) Heil Sound PR 781 |
: : Yaesu MD-100 - (5) Yaesu MD-100, Desktop Dynamic Microphone |
: Radio Equipment Reference - (3) Amateur Radio Equipment Reference Sites |
: Radio Manuals - (62) Ham radio manuals for amateur radio. Radio manuals and schematic diagrams. |
: Receivers - (57) Radio Receivers |
: : Drake R-4B - (4) Drake R4B Receiver |
: : Drake R-4C - (9) Drake R-4C receiver |
: : Icom IC-R20 - (7) ICOM IC-R20 Radio Receiver |
: : Icom IC-R7100 - (10) Icom R-7100 |
: : Icom IC-R75 - (7) Icom IC-R75 0-60 MHz Receiver |
: : Ten-Tec RX-340 - (1) Ten-Tec RX-340 |
: : Yaesu VR-5000 - (8) Yaesu VR-5000 Resources |
: Reviews and Comparisons - (29) Radio equipment reviews, ratings and comparisons |
: Scanners - (15) Radio Scanners equipment |
: : Radio Shack PRO-94 - (5) Radio Shack PRO-94 Scanner |
: : Radio Shack PRO-95 - (4) Radio Shack PRO-95 |
: : Radio Shack PRO-97 - (3) extended-coverage scanner |
: : Uniden BC72XLT - (2) Uniden BC72XLT Handheld Scanner |
: VHF-UHF Amplifiers - (14) VHF UHF RF Power Amplifiers resources |
: : Mirage BD-35 - (7) Dual Band VHF UHF Amplifier |
: : RM VLA-200 - (4) 200 W VHF RF Power Amplifier |
: : TE Systems 1452G - (3) Mobile Amplifier for 2 meters band |
: VHF-UHF Handhelds - (180) VHF UHF Trasceivers handhelds |
: : Baofeng UV-3R - (14) Baofeng UV-3R UV-200 series |
: : Baofeng UV-5R - (16) Dual band VHF UHF handheld transceiver |
: : Icom ID-51A - (5) Icom ID-51A VHF/UHF Dstar Dual Band Transceiver |
: : Kenwood TH-D7A-E - (22) VHF UHF dual band w/TNC for packet and APRS TH-D7 TH-D7A TH-D7E |
: : Kenwood TH-F6A - (9) Kenwood TH-F6A resources |
: : TYT MD-2017 - (5) Dual Band DMR/Analog Radio 136-174MHz & 400-480MHz |
: : TYT MD-380 - (7) Links about the TYT MD-380 DMR Digital Two Way Radio |
: : Wouxun KG-UV8D - (7) Wouxun KG-UV8D Two Way Radio |
: : Yaesu VX-150 - (7) Yaesu VX-150 resources |
: : Yaesu VX-170 - (11) Yaesu VX-170 Resources |
: : Yaesu VX-2 - (9) Yaesu VX-2 Resources |
: : Yaesu VX-3 - (5) Yaesu VX-3 Resources |
: : Yaesu VX-5R - (14) Yaesu VX-5R resources |
: : Yaesu VX-6R - (13) Yaesu VX-6R |
: : Yaesu VX-7R - (12) Yaesu VX-7R links |
: : Yaesu VX-8R - (16) Yaesu VX-8R VHF UHF handheld transceiver |
: VHF-UHF Mobile - (91) Mobile VHF UHF Radios |
: : ICOM IC-2100H - (8) ICOM IC-2100H, 2 meters mobile radio |
: : Icom IC-2300H - (3) IC-2300H VHF transceiver |
: : ICOM IC-2720H - (8) ICOM IC-2720H resources |
: : Icom IC-V8000 - (10) Icom IC-V8000 links |
: : ICOM ID-880H - (3) VHF/UHF Digital mobile transceiver |
: : Kenwood TM-241 - (9) Kenwood TM-241 resources |
: : Kenwood TM-D710 - (22) Links related to Kenwood TM-D710A TM-D710E |
: : Yaesu FT-2800M - (5) Yaesu VHF transceiver |
: : Yaesu FT-7800R - (8) VHF UHF mobile transceiver |
: : Yaesu FT-8800R - (10) Yaesu dual band transceiver |
: Voice Keyers - (2) Voice Keyers sends your call and contest exchanges in your own natural voice |
Radio Scanning - (172) Radio Scanning resources |
: Aeronautical - (13) Radio resources for auronautical transmission |
: Beginner's guides - (11) Beginners guides for radio scanning hobbysts |
: Maritime - (16) marine radio resources, frequencies and links |
: Military - (8) Military scanner resources |
: Nature - (5) Scanning nature |
: Police Scanning - (15) Police radio scanner transmissions |
: Radio Scanning Reference - (3) Sites about radio scanning |
: RailRoad - (7) Scanning railroad frequencies |
: Regional - (70) Regional scanning frequencies |
: : Australia - (21) Australian radio scanning links |
: : Canada - (1) Radio scanning in canada |
: : Europe - (18) Radio scanner in european countries |
: : USA - (28) USA radio scanners frequencies and links |
: Scanner Frequencies - (10) Scanenr frequencies, radio communications references. |
: Weather - (14) Weather Reaources |
Shopping and Services - (1230) Ham radio stores, cb radio retailers, online shopping |
: Accessories - (50) Online stores that feature accessories for hobbyist and amateur radios |
: Aeronautical - (1) Aeronautical communications |
: Alternative Power - (7) Alternative power dealers |
: Amateur Television - (5) ATV Transmitters, receivers store |
: Antenna Mount - (7) Antenna mount dealers |
: Antenna Parts - (3) Parts, clips, plates and rods, yagi element holder, clamps. |
: Antenna Tower Erectors - (13) Antenna tower erectors |
: Antennas - (54) Antennas & towers setup and repair services |
: : Microwave Antenna - (1) Microwave antenna shops and store |
: : VHF Antenna - (6) VHF UHF GSM antenna dealers |
: Antique Radios - (18) Antique radio shop |
: Bags and Cases - (10) Bags, cases,shipping cases, carry case |
: Batteries - (32) Batteries and power sources |
: Cables and Connectors - (52) Dealers for wires, cables and connectors |
: CB Radio Stores - (47) cb radio stores |
: Electronic Components - (56) Electronic Components Distributors |
: Electronics - (31) Electronics shops |
: Ham Radio Insurance - (3) Ham Radio Insurance |
: Ham Radio Stores - (107) Ham radio stores online |
: Internet services - (3) Ham Radio internet services |
: Kits and Components - (68) Retailers for kits and components |
: Marine Radio - (22) Marine VHF Radio shops |
: Microwave - (12) Microwave products and components |
: Parts & Surplus - (24) parts and surplus shop |
: QSL Printing - (43) Links to QSL card printers |
: Radio Equipment Repair - (45) Amateur Radio Equipment Repair Service |
: Radio Mounts - (4) Mounting Solutions For Ham Radio |
: Regional - (382) Radio dealers and stores |
: : Asia - (8) Asia Ham Radio Stores |
: : Australia - (14) australian dealers |
: : Canada - (16) canadian dealers |
: : Europe - (206) European Dealers |
: : : France - (8) france |
: : : Germany - (27) Online radio stores based in Germany |
: : : Italy - (53) Ham radio dealers in italy |
: : : Spain - (17) Ham radio shops in spain |
: : : UK - (50) UK stores for CB radio, Ham radio and scanners radio equipment |
: : Japan - (4) Amateur radio stores and online shop in Japan |
: : New Zealand - (5) Ham radio dealers in new zealand |
: : Other regions - (3) Dealers |
: : USA - (126) USA dealers |
: Remote Radio - (3) Remote Radio Control Products and Services |
: Repeaters - (4) Radio Repeater Shops |
: RF Tubes - (30) buy rf tubes, tube dealers links |
: Scanner stores - (36) online stores which sell scanner radios and amateur radio related products |
: T-shirts - (13) ham radio t-shirts |
: Test equipment - (43) Electronic test equipment stores |
: : Oscilloscope - (8) Oscilloscope Dealers |
: WiFi - (2) WiFi dealers online |
Shortwave Radio - (349) Shortwave radio links, broadcasting stations clubs and pirate radios |
: BCL Resources - (33) BCL resources, Broadcast Listening pages on the web |
: Beginner's guides - (14) Beginner's guide to shortwave radio listening. Starting pages for SWL and BCL |
: Broadcasters - (165) International shortwave broadcasters SWL BCL and ham radio links |
: : Clandestine Radios - (59) Clandestine and subversive radio broadcasters |
: : Offshore Radios - (8) Offshore radio stations resources |
: : Pirate Radio - (22) Pirate broadcasting and Pirate radio links |
: : Time Signal Radios - (6) Time signal radio stations broadcasting on shortwave |
: Clubs - (37) links to shortwave radio, scanner, clubs around the world and organizations |
: Numbers stations - (27) Numbers radio stations |
: Press Services - (7) Shortwave press agencies with radio news services |
: Schedules - (18) Shortwave schedules and programming info |
: SWL DX Newsletters - (11) SWL news and shortwave newsletters, dx bullettins links |
: SWL Resources - (37) swl resources, scanners,scanning,radio, |
Software - (2129) Curation of software for amateur radio applications. |
: ACARS - (11) Acars and other aircraft transmissions |
: ADS-B - (6) Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast, ADS-B decoding, plotting software |
: Aircraft scatter - (2) Software that helps on calculating a propagation path between two stations and following aircrafts in real time. |
: Android - (63) Ham Radio Android Software |
: : DX Cluster - (8) DX Cluster for Android |
: Antenna analysis - (87) software,antenna analysis software, for ham radio operators and hams |
: Antenna rotor control - (10) Rotor control software |
: APRS - (33) APRS software for ham radio |
: Audio Recorders - (27) radio recording programs for ham radio software use |
: Audio Streaming - (9) Audio Streaming Server Software |
: Awards tracking - (19) Awards tracking programs |
: Beacon Monitoring - (14) Beacon monitoring programs |
: Browser extensions - (2) Web Browsers add-ons extensions and toolbars |
: Circuit Design - (60) Electronic circuit design and misc. calculators |
: Clip Art - (8) Ham Radio Clip Art |
: Collections - (16) Ham radio software collections |
: Contesting - (71) Contest program for ham radio contesting events, list of contest software |
: D-STAR - (14) D-STAR programs |
: Databases - (31) directories and databases software for ham radio |
: Decoders - (11) signal decoders |
: Developer Resources - (8) Ham Radio Developer Resources |
: Digital SSTV - (9) Digital SSTV Software |
: Digital Voice - (5) Software for Digital Voice |
: DRM - (5) Digital Radio Mondiale software |
: DSP - (44) DSP software for ham radio operators |
: DX Cluster - (22) Ham Radio DX Cluster clients |
: EME - (11) Useful EME Software |
: Filter Design - (18) Filter design software |
: Front Panel Design - (3) Front panel design program |
: Grid Bearing and Maps - (42) Grid square ham radio maps and great circle software calculator bearing |
: Ham Exam - (9) Practice quizzed for ham radio licence exam |
: Hellschreiber - (16) Hellschreiber Software |
: Internet Linking - (15) Internet linking software for ham radio operators, echolink, irlp, ilink |
: iPhone - (41) iPhone ham radio software |
: : DX Cluster - (3) DX Cluster Clients for iOS |
: JT65 - (9) JT65 Digital Mode software |
: Legacy Systems - (67) MS DOS, Palm OS and Pocket PC amateur radio software |
: : MS DOS - (24) MS-DOS ham radio programs |
: : PalmOS - (21) Amateur radio programs for palm os devices |
: : Pocket PC - (11) Ham radio programs for pocket pc |
: Linux - (108) Ham radio programs for linux platform |
: : DX Cluster Clients - (1) DX Cluster client for Linux |
: : Linux Distributions - (8) Amateur Radio Linux Distribution |
: Log Analysis - (22) Ham Radio and Contest Log Analysis |
: Log Converters - (28) Applications to convert file formats for amateur radio logs |
: Logging - (107) Log program for ham radio log books software |
: Low Frequency - (16) QRSS PSK8 Hell and other low frequency software |
: Macintosh - (93) Amateur Radio programs for Apple MacOS |
: : DX Cluster Clients - (2) DX Cluster client for Mac OSX |
: Morse Code Decoders - (32) Programs to decode morse code |
: Morse Code Training - (72) Morse Code learning software to practice CW. |
: Multimode - (22) Multimode software |
: Navtex - (8) NAVTEX Decoding Software |
: NBEMS - (2) Download NBEMS software |
: Olivia - (4) Olivia digital mode software |
: Oscilloscope - (17) PC Oscilloscope software |
: Packet - (33) Software for packet radio use |
: Packet Cluster - (8) DX Cluster server |
: PIC Programmer - (8) Pic Programer Software |
: Propagation - (32) propagation prediction software for ham radio |
: PSK31 - (37) PSK31 programs for ham radio PSK31 digital mode emissions |
: QSL - (28) QSL software |
: Radio Control - (138) radio control software,for swl and ham radio operators programs |
: Radio Programming - (73) Programming radio software |
: Repeater Control - (7) Programs that allow control of radio repeaters |
: RF Coverage Mapping - (11) rf coverage mapping software |
: RF Design - (5) Radio Frequency Design Software |
: RTTY - (23) RTTY programs, software for ham radio RTTY emission mode |
: Satellite tracking - (55) Ham radio programs for satellite tracking |
: Shortwave - (13) Programs for shortwave listening, software for swl |
: Signal Generator - (14) signal generator software |
: Software Defined Radio - (51) SDR, Software defined radios products |
: Spectrum analyzers - (40) spectrum analyzer programs for ham radio use |
: SSTV - (21) SSTV software for ham radio SSTV emission |
: Time - (24) Software to display world times, to sync your pc clock via NTP or GPS |
: Utilities - (83) Radio Tools and Utilities for amateur radio operators |
: Vector Network Analyzer - (4) VNA Vector Network Analyzer |
: Virtual Audio Software - (8) Virtual Audio Cable software |
: Virtual Serial Port - (6) virtual serial port emulation create new COM ports on your PC |
: Voice Keyer - (7) Voice Keyer Software |
: Voice tools - (7) Voice Software |
: Weak Signal - (26) Weak signal software |
: Weather and FAX - (18) Wefax programs for weather fax decoding |
Technical Reference - (2882) amateur radio technical resources |
: 3D Printed Projects - (6) Ham radio accessories with 3D Printers |
: AI Ham Radio - (7) AI Artificial Intelligence in Ham radio |
: Alternative Power - (28) Alternative power |
: Amplifiers - (243) Ham radio power amplifiers |
: : HF Amplifiers - (100) HF amplifiers for ham radio use. |
: : RF Amplifiers Theory - (19) Designing RF Power amplifiers |
: : UHF Amplifiers - (18) UHF Amplifiers |
: : VHF Amplifiers - (61) VHF linear amplifiers |
: Antenna Launcher - (17) Antenna Launcher |
: Antenna Rotator - (34) Antenna Rotator project |
: Antenna Switch - (40) Antenna switch projects |
: APRS - (21) APRS Projects. iGate and APRS tracking kits |
: Arduino - (121) Arduino Projects for Ham Radio Applications |
: : Morse Code - (22) Arduino Morse Code Projects, CW projects for arduino, morse code decoders and keyers |
: Attenuators - (15) RF Attenuators |
: ATV - (7) ATV Projects |
: Audio - (57) Audio projects |
: Batteries - (53) Batteries and power supply |
: : Battery Charger - (13) Home made battery chargers |
: Beacon keyers - (44) Beacon Keyers |
: Calculators - (30) On-line Electrical calculator applications |
: CB Radios - (20) CB radio modifications |
: Coax Cables and Connectors - (114) Cables and connectors |
: : Testing Coax Cables - (6) Coaxial Cables Testers |
: Components - (56) Accessories for ham radio, swr meters, amplifiers |
: : Component Database - (3) Component Database |
: : Datasheets - (7) Electronic Components Datasheets |
: : Toroids - (15) Toroids |
: Digital ATV projects - (5) D-ATV Homebrew Projects |
: DTMF - (10) DTMF projects |
: Dummy Loads - (35) Home brew dummy loads |
: Duplexers - (19) Duplexer and diplexer |
: Electronics - (45) Electronic & Radio Theory |
: Filters - (89) A wide collection of RF Filters, band-pass filters |
: Frequency Counter - (17) Frequency counter projects for ham radio use |
: Grounding - (40) Grounding systems and techniques |
: Ham Radio Go Kits - (23) Amateur Radio portable Go-Box Go-Kit |
: Headsets and Speakers - (24) Amateur radio headsets and speakers projects |
: HF Radios - (68) HF radio modifications, ham radio mods kenwood icom yaesu alinco mods |
: Homebrew - (136) Amateur Radio homebrew projects and experiments |
: Key Clicks - (10) About Key Clicks |
: Keyers - (57) Voice and morse code keyers |
: Lightning Protection - (25) Lightning protection for Ham Radio |
: LoRa and LoRaWan - (8) Discover the world of LoRa and LoRaWAN amateur radio projects! |
: Mic wiring - (33) Links to Microphone wiring diagrams |
: Microphones - (23) Mics for amateur radio |
: Mircrowave - (5) Ham Radio Microwave |
: Morse Code Decoder - (8) Morse Code CW decoder homebrew projects and kits |
: Morse Code Oscillator - (12) morse practice oscillator |
: Morse Keys - (33) Morse Keys and Paddles |
: Pan Adapter - (13) Panadapter resources |
: Power Meter - (23) Power Meter Project |
: Power Supply - (60) Power supply projects and modifications for ham radio |
: Preamplifiers - (43) About preamps for ham radio use |
: Programming Radio - (22) Programming VHF UHF Radios |
: : Cheat Sheets - (3) Collection of programming helps, Cheat Sheets, for many common amateur radios |
: QRM Eliminator - (11) qrm killer, x-phase noise eliminator |
: QRP Projects - (137) QRP projects and kits |
: : QRP CW Transceiver - (59) QRP CW trasceivers projects |
: Radio Direction Finding - (20) Radio Direction Finding projects |
: Radio Frequency Interference - (131) About radio frequency interference |
: : BPL - (16) Broadband Over Power Line (BPL) is considered by amateur radio cause of interference to communications |
: : Noise Reduction - (32) RF Noise Reduction resources |
: : PLT - (2) Power Line Technology |
: Radio Mods - (17) Ham Radio Modifications |
: Radio Programming Cable - (25) Radio Programming cables |
: Raspberry Pi - (72) Raspberry Pi Ham radio projects |
: Receiver Front-End Protector - (6) RF Limiters and Receiver Front-End Protectors |
: Receivers - (87) Radio Receivers |
: : Crystal radio - (14) crystal radio receivers |
: : Progressive Receiver - (8) Collection of progressive receiver projects |
: : Regenerative Receiver - (24) Regenerative Receiver |
: Repeater - (24) Radio Repeaters |
: : Repeater Maintenance - (4) Repeater Maintenance |
: RF Design - (7) Radio Frequency (RF)Design, Radio frequency engineering |
: RF Safety - (21) Radio Frequency Safety |
: RF Signal Generators - (12) Radio Frequency Signal Geneators |
: Scanners - (5) Scanner and receivers resources and mods |
: Software Defined Radio - (88) Software defined radios, radio whose channel modulation waveforms are defined in software |
: : Beginner's Guides to SDR - (11) Introductions to Software Defined Radio |
: : RTLSDR - (23) RTL SDR dongles |
: Soldering and Desoldering - (16) Soldering and desodering tips |
: Sound Card Radio Interfacing - (90) Sound Card to radio interfaces |
: Spectrum Analyzers - (28) Spectrum Analyzers Projects |
: Standing Wave Ratio - (3) Standing wave ratio in radio engineering and telecommunications, measuring and practical implications |
: SWR Meters - (43) DIY SWR Meters and SWR Meter information |
: Test Equipment - (103) Test equipment projects and tools |
: : Multimeter - (8) Multimeter : Test Equipment |
: : Oscilloscope - (18) Test Equipment : Oscilloscope |
: : RF Probe - (14) RF Probe : Test Equipment |
: : RF Sweep Generator - (7) Projects for RF sweep generators |
: : Signal Generator - (15) Signal Generator |
: : Tutorials - (3) How to use test equipments, tutorials and guides |
: Transverters - (49) Homebrewing transverters, projects and kits |
: TVI Filters - (12) TVI Filters |
: Vacuum tube - (19) Vacuum tube, electron tube, thermionic valve, valve resources |
: Vector Network Analyzer - (28) VNA Vector Network Analyzer |
: VHF Radios - (27) VHF radio modifications, tips, mods for kenwood, yaesu icom radios |
: WiFi - (2) Wi-Fi network projects |