Quad Antennas
quad antenna, how to build a quad antenna for ham radio use
Site Listings
N4JTE Antennas
10 Meter 4 Element Quad Antenna
144MHz Cubical Quad
2 element 40 meter reversable quad
2 Element Cubex Quad setup
2 element cubical quad for 10 meters
2 element Quad antenna for 10 12 15 mt pop
2 elements cubical quad for 20m to 10m
2 Meter 5 Element Quad
2 Meter Backpack Quad Antenna
2 meter cubical quad antenna
2 meter Quad
2 Meter Quad PVC Pipe Antenna
2-Element-DK7ZB-Quad for 5 Bands
2.4 GHz Quad Antenna
2M Quad Antenna
2m Quad Antenna
3 Band Mono Loop Portable Quad
3 Element Quad for 50 MHz
4 El. Quad Antenna for 144 MHz
4 Element 6 Meter Quad
4 element Cubical Quad for 2 mt
40 meter reversable Quad
5 Band Cubical Quad
5 Band Quad Antenna
6 Meter 3 Element Quad
7 Element Quad for 50 MHz
70cm Quadruple Quad
8 Element Quad for 145 Mhz pop
80Mt rotating Quad updated
A 6m portable 4 element quad
A Simple 2 Element Quad Antenna for 10 meters
Assembling a LightningBolt Quad
Assembly of the Lightningbolt Quad
BiQuad 144/430 MHz
BiQuad Antenna for 144/440
Boomless quad antenna pop
Build a Stronger 2 Element Quad
Cubic Quad pop
Cubical Calculator
Cubical Quad Antenna
Cubical Quad Antenna Calculator
Cubical Quad Antenna Calculator
Cubical Quad Antenna Design pop
Cubical Quad Antenna for 10 mt.
Cubical Quad for 20 meters - W5DQV
Designing VHF/UHF Quad Antenna
Dual Quad Antenna
Efficient 2-Element Quad Antenna for 2m
EI7BA's Amateur Radio Pages
Fractal Antenna for ham radio bands
Homemade Quad Antenna
KS7J 5-band Cubex Quad
Monster Quads
Multiband Cubical Quads
N4TZE Quad for 6 meters
Portable 4 element Quad
Portable 4-Element Quad for 2 meters
Portable 70cm Quadruple Quad Beam
QRZ de W3DF The Quad Project
Quad and ModQuad Antenna
Quad antenna for 10 and 15 Meters
Quad Antenna for 144 Mhz
Quad antenna for 70 cm
Quad Antenna System by Pfeiffer Maltese pop
Quad antenna: considerations
Quad Antennas for 50 MHz
Quad calculator pop
Quad for 10 and 15 meters
Quad for HF Bands
Quad Maker
Quad or Loop antennas
Quad vs. Yagi
Quadruple-Quadlong for the 2-m-Band
Shrunken 40 Meter Phased Quads
Shrunken Quad
Swiss Quad for 10 and 6 meters
Swiss Quad Portabel, DH1PLY
T-Hunting Antennas pop
The 2x2 quad for 12 and 17m
The Cubical Quad is Beautiful
The DK7ZB-Quadlong antenna
The Grid Yagi for 144 Mhz
The Swiss Quad Antenna
Two portable antennas for 6-meter
UHF Quad antenna
VE7CA 6m antennas
Vertical plane antennas' beaming comparision
VHF Cubical Quad
VHF/UHF Quad Antenna
Why Quads
WX9DX Quad Antenna
Just Too Easy 40 meter reversible quads in two an three element version
By: bob raynor
Hits: 2673
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 7.75
Dimension and formula for a 4 element QUAD antenna for the 10 meters band ...
Hits: 4635
| Votes: 13 | Rating: 5.23
A project by N6BG for a four element cubical quad antenna for the 2 meters ...
Hits: 5783
| Votes: 19 | Rating: 5.99
A reversable quad antenna for 40 meters band by N4JTE
Hits: 7003
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 6.75
Pictures of a 2 element cubex Quad antenna at a height of 10 meter ...
Hits: 2460
| Votes: 76 | Rating: 8.6
2 Element Cubical Quad Antenna for 28 MHz by DL7JV in german
Hits: 3754
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 4.75
Detailed instructions about a home made 2 element quad antenna made in diamond configuration resonating ...
Hits: 64276
| Votes: 94 | Rating: 6.49
Construction details and tests about a 2 elements cubical quad antenna for HF Bands 20 ...
By: f5len
Hits: 1682
| Votes: 7 | Rating: 4.43
A five element quad antenna for 144 MHz DIY Project This 2 Meter 5 Element ...
By: KN7F
Hits: 1910
| Votes: 9 | Rating: 6.23
This 2 meter 3 element cubical quad antenna is small light weight and portable A ...
Hits: 3011
| Votes: 10 | Rating: 6.61
W7SIR cubical quad antenna for 146 mhz
Hits: 14689
| Votes: 15 | Rating: 7.17
A 2-metre Quad antenna project by K6WXA in PDF file
Hits: 1347
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 7.33
A four elements quad antenna for 144 MHz made with PVC pipes
By: Zed Zed
Hits: 989
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 6
10-12-15-17-20m A description was in the German Ham-Magazine "Funkamateur" in Issue 11/2003
Hits: 14942
| Votes: 14 | Rating: 5.79
A 2 4 GHz 13cm band quadrible qiad antenna with reflector offering a 14dbd gain ...
Hits: 2139
| Votes: 16 | Rating: 4.94
An inexpensive and easy to build Quad antenna project edited by AA1PG
Hits: 2386
| Votes: 7 | Rating: 3.43
A basic drawing of a 2 meter quad antenna for 144 MHz
Hits: 2339
| Votes: 5 | Rating: 5
Handmade drawing of a 3 bands single loop portable quad antenna used by the author ...
Hits: 143
A 14 12 dBi gain three elements cubical quad antenna for the six meters band ...
Hits: 85
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 3
A four element 2 meter quad antenna project
Hits: 1323
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 6
Durable Easy To Build 4 Element 6 Meter Quad Or 6N2 Or 4 Element 6 ...
Hits: 1196
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 3.5
A 4 elements cubical quad antenna for 144MHz for maritime mobile usage
Hits: 1873
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 5
3 Element reversable quad antenna for 40 meters band
Hits: 1600
This Multiband Cubical Quad antenna a boomless Quad design with glass fibre arms and a ...
Hits: 6782
| Votes: 9 | Rating: 7.45
A 5 band two element quad antenna working from 20 to 10 meters using hardware ...
Hits: 1337
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 7.5
Starting from an original project for a 2 element quad antenna for six meter band ...
Hits: 9610
| Votes: 18 | Rating: 4.95
A seven element quad antenna for six meters band An homebrew project by SP5LGN ...
Hits: 2320
| Votes: 11 | Rating: 6.09
A suitable high gain 70cms antenna for SOTA operation by Richard Price GW0VMW
Hits: 11746
| Votes: 16 | Rating: 6.25
8 elements quad antenna for 2 meters band, centered on 145 Mhz
Hits: 30280
| Votes: 105 | Rating: 5.81
2el 40Ft front to back spacing 80 meters Quad antenna
Hits: 9945
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 6.5
This antenna is based on a design for a portable 2 element 6m Quad by ...
Hits: 6625
| Votes: 21 | Rating: 8.35
Quads beams consist of 2 1 wavelength approximately loops ordinarily arranged so that one is ...
Hits: 284
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 7
Pictures and detailed instructions on installation of the LightningBolt Quad antenna
Hits: 679
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 8.67
One of the best antenna values on the market is the LightningBolt Quad At about ...
Hits: 3755
| Votes: 10 | Rating: 6.8
A vertically polarized broadside and collinear array by KE4UYP
Hits: 4176
| Votes: 8 | Rating: 3.13
This is a vertically polarized Broadside and Collinear Array each Loop is a vertically polarized ...
Hits: 7628
| Votes: 14 | Rating: 4.86
VU2GX Girimajij article on boomless quad antennas
Hits: 35317
| Votes: 9 | Rating: 6
A Different way to construct a tried and true antenna out of PVC especially for ...
Hits: 159
The cubic quad is a very popular way to get reasonably high gain and excellent ...
Hits: 68125
| Votes: 64 | Rating: 5.08
Online antenna calculator for cubical quad antennas by EA1DDO / HK1H
Hits: 1863
| Votes: 9 | Rating: 4.44
Let s explore the cubical quad antenna or quad and see what it really is ...
Hits: 1608
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 1.33
The function of the calculator is to give all of the needed sizing to construct ...
Hits: 4087
| Votes: 28 | Rating: 4.18
Easy Quad calculator, enter center frequency to get a quad antenna size
Hits: 2860
| Votes: 36 | Rating: 6.42
By N6VNG can be used to determine the element lengths and the gamma match values ...
Hits: 30840
| Votes: 88 | Rating: 5.74
This home brew antenna for 10 meters band cost just a few dollars but gave ...
Hits: 2276
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 8
January 1955 QST article by W5DQV about constructing a Cubical Quad antenna for 14MHz PDF ...
Hits: 1640
| Votes: 5 | Rating: 3.8
The information in this article has come from many amateur sources the most notable was ...
Hits: 1009
| Votes: 7 | Rating: 8
2 element Quand antenna for 10 12 15 17 20 meters band ...
Hits: 10925
| Votes: 10 | Rating: 7.61
Cheap but effective multiband quad antenna covering the entire horizon on 10-12-15-17-20m bands.
By: Davide Achilli IZ2UUF
Hits: 532
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 2.5
A detailed guide presents a simple 2 element quad antenna for 2m offering ease of ...
By: Practical Antennas
Hits: 69
Multi Band Quad Cushcraft R5 R7 R7000 repair and maintenance Remote Antenna Switching Hexagonal Beam ...
By: John
Hits: 14022
| Votes: 20 | Rating: 7.6
A Quad Fractal Antenna for 20 meters band by F3DD
By: F3DD
Hits: 4763
| Votes: 20 | Rating: 5.98
A two element quad antenna for 10-15-20 meters by hs0zee
By: hs0zee
Hits: 3632
| Votes: 5 | Rating: 5.8
KS7J s Cubex 5 Band Quad tests pictures and modification of this five bands quad ...
Hits: 2742
| Votes: 12 | Rating: 4.75
N6LF tells us about his monster two element 40 meter quad with bonus three elements ...
Hits: 6385
EI7BA Multiband Cubical Quads projects includes two elements quad antennas for 10 12 15 17 ...
Hits: 7948
| Votes: 5 | Rating: 9.4
Here is the N4TZE 3 element 6 meter quad antenna This antenna is tuned to ...
Hits: 795
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 3
144 Mhz portable 4 elements quand antenna by N1LO
Hits: 2635
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 4
A portable 4 elements quad antenna for 144 MHz 9 to 10 DBd forward gain ...
By: N1LO
Hits: 2175
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 8.67
A suitable high gain 70cms antenna for SOTA operation was sought that did not have ...
Hits: 3556
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 8
A two element multiband quad antenna
Hits: 2351
| Votes: 14 | Rating: 9.06
Some thoughts on a hardware store special 2 meter quad and a modified quad for ...
Hits: 7499
| Votes: 5 | Rating: 6.2
Building guide for a two element quad antenna planned for 28 and 21 Megahertz ...
Hits: 5805
| Votes: 5 | Rating: 6.6
A VHF Quad antenna for teh two meters band in italian
Hits: 3925
| Votes: 10 | Rating: 6.8
Quad antennas for 70 cm band, suitable for station or repeater application
Hits: 2225
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 6
Excellent Quad Antenna projects for 40 20 17 12 10 and 6 meters band in ...
By: Pfeiffer Maltese
Hits: 39269
| Votes: 14 | Rating: 7.07
Quad antenna homebrewing, mechanical considerations by IZ7ATH
Hits: 878
Article by G4AON about a 4 and 2 Element Quad Antennas for the 6m band ...
Hits: 914
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 5.33
Cubical quad antenna calculator in java script let you calculate elements size and spacing in ...
Hits: 64564
| Votes: 474 | Rating: 6.75
A light and sturdy Quad for 10 and 15 meters Basic Quad antenna design considerations ...
Hits: 356
A compact Quad Antenna for the HF Bands by GM0ONX
Hits: 2241
Quad maker designing and calculating quad dimension. Excel spreadsheet
Hits: 2608
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 6
Quad and loop antennas comparisons evaluating the impedance and gain of both antennas and considerationso ...
Hits: 1738
| Votes: 11 | Rating: 5.18
Why go for a quad rather than a yagi
Hits: 15814
| Votes: 17 | Rating: 4.82
The DK7ZB-Quadruple-Quadlong for the 2 meter Band
Hits: 1584
| Votes: 28 | Rating: 8.72
A 2 element small footprint 40 meter phased, reversible, downsized quad array antenna.
Hits: 1156
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 8
VHF quad antenna for transmitter hunting.
Hits: 2593
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 10
Based on HB9CV F6ITV decribes how build a swiss quand antenna for 28 and 50 ...
Hits: 21598
| Votes: 22 | Rating: 7.09
A portable swiss quad antenna project made with components and parts that can be dismounted ...
Hits: 757
4 Element Cubical Quad Yagis LZA Circular Quad Shrunken Quad quarter wave J Pole beam ...
Hits: 29376
| Votes: 26 | Rating: 5.01
Quad Antenna for 18 MHz and 24 MHz
Hits: 3502
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 6.33
An interesting page about Quad antennas Modelling QUAD antennas comparing quad antennas to yagi antennas ...
By: wa2ooo
Hits: 2689
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 10
New type of a Quad antenna, 6.4dBd gain
Hits: 1934
| Votes: 7 | Rating: 9.85
The Grid Yagi or Grid Quad is a high performance yagi antenna that can be ...
Hits: 2506
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 5
Rotatable Antenna with Phased Elements based on the orignal design concept of HB9CV antennas is ...
Hits: 383
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 7.67
VE7CA reprint an interesting article taken from arrl antenna compendium Two elegant practical and portable ...
Hits: 4809
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
UHF cubic antenna with a 16db gain
Hits: 6740
| Votes: 16 | Rating: 4.74
Quad and Yagi portable antennas for 50 mhz by VE7CA
Hits: 5393
| Votes: 7 | Rating: 8.15
Animated quad and yagi comparison You can see antennas characteristics behavior in a vertical plane ...
Hits: 3212
| Votes: 17 | Rating: 4.1
A project for a four element cubical quad antenna for 144 MHz in portuguese ...
Hits: 2140
| Votes: 30 | Rating: 5.8
This is a vertically polarized Broadside and Collinear Array each Loop is a vertically polarized ...
Hits: 183
Article by N6JSX on homebrewing quad antennas for VHF and UHF.
Hits: 4755
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 5.25
Why quads are considered best antennas by ve3sqb
Hits: 5273
| Votes: 8 | Rating: 5
A two meter Quad antenna project with detailed instructions on how to adjust the Quad ...
Hits: 1174
| Votes: 8 | Rating: 5.5