Ham radio programs for pocket pc
Pocket PC know as Windows Mobile Classic device, was a kind of personal digital assistant (PDA) that runs the Windows Mobile operating system
Most Popular
- Big Fat Tail Productions
PocketSat is a full-featured satellite tracking application for PalmOS and PocketPC devices. It is designed to be usable by both experienced satellite trackers as well as novices who are interested in knowing when they can simply look up and see satellites. - APRS/CE Pocket PC Ham radio APRS
APRS/CE is a richly featured APRS software package for WindowsCE and especially the PocketPC, Maps are plentiful as it works with DOSAPRS, PocketAPRS (for the Palm) and MacAPRS maps offering an exceptionally compact APRS installation. - PPCMorse
PPCMorse and PPCMorse Pro are Morse code traning/sending utilities for PocketPC PDAs (such as the iPAQ, Jordana and Cassiopea). - AGWTracker Pocket
- APRS client for pocket pc platform
[ Hits: 2842 | Votes: 6 | Rating: 6.67 ]
- APRS/CE Pocket PC Ham radio APRS
- APRS/CE is a richly featured APRS software package for WindowsCE and especially the PocketPC, Maps are plentiful as it works with DOSAPRS, PocketAPRS (for the Palm) and MacAPRS maps offering an exceptionally compact APRS installation.
[ Hits: 5539 | Votes: 13 | Rating: 2.47 ]
- Big Fat Tail Productions
- PocketSat is a full-featured satellite tracking application for PalmOS and PocketPC devices. It is designed to be usable by both experienced satellite trackers as well as novices who are interested in knowing when they can simply look up and see satellites.
[ Hits: 6512 | Votes: 11 | Rating: 4.55 ]
- CwGet PPC
- A program to decode Morse code via sound input of PDA to text. No additional hardware required - your need only receiver and PDA with sound input. Built-in microphone of device can be used also.
[ Hits: 3668 | Votes: 6 | Rating: 7.50 ]
- GPSLocator
- Use a pocketpc with serial or bluetooth GPS to calculatethe grid locator y IW2BSQ
[ Hits: 1696 | Votes: 7 | Rating: 5.57 ]
- Ham Fan
- A free small database program for Palm OS that allows you to log ham radio contacts. You can log the call sign, name, date, time and frequency of the contact.
[ Hits: 741 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0.00 ]
- Ham Radio for HanDBase
- PocketPC mobile logging database for Amateur Radio operators for HanDBase
[ Hits: 1288 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0.00 ]
- MobileLog - PocketPC Logging
- MobileLog is a logging package for the PocketPC. It features DXCC reports, searching, alerts, and inport/export.
[ Hits: 2487 | Votes: 5 | Rating: 8.60 ]
- Packet Engine Pocket PC
- Packet Engine For PocketPC (Windows Mobile 5 and more). It can be used with KISS TNCs only.
[ Hits: 1776 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 7.00 ]
- Packet Radio on a Windows CE device made simple
- How to use packet radio using the WindowsCE operating system
[ Hits: 2332 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 1.00 ]
- Pocket CW
- Pocket CW is a morse code learning tool for PDA running windows ce
[ Hits: 3032 | Votes: 9 | Rating: 5.00 ]
- Pocket Locator
- Pocket Locator grid locator for pocket pc running windows ce
[ Hits: 2578 | Votes: 5 | Rating: 7.40 ]
- Pocket Sat Tracker 2008
- Fast based on .Net. More than one satellite for tracking, schedule (file, Appoitments), Dopler, getting location and time by GPS, udate TLE via internet, select satellite by click, time in parametr, Sun&Moon, radar, output coords and dopler to any COM port using NMEA-183 format.
[ Hits: 2619 | Votes: 38 | Rating: 7.94 ]
- PocketDigi
- This page is an introduction to the PocketDigi utility for PocketPC PDAs. Allow PSK, RTTY and CW operation from your PDA by n0hr
[ Hits: 2041 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 6.50 ]
- PPCMorse
- PPCMorse and PPCMorse Pro are Morse code traning/sending utilities for PocketPC PDAs (such as the iPAQ, Jordana and Cassiopea).
[ Hits: 4381 | Votes: 24 | Rating: 7.85 ]
- SatCE
- Free and fast satellite tracker for PocketPC. Complete solution for amateurs and professionals.
[ Hits: 2846 | Votes: 11 | Rating: 6.82 ]
- Tracksat
- PocketPC freeware that track satellites, and display their position on a map of the world. It also has a display that shows other relevant information useful to Ham Radio operators to allow them to work them.
[ Hits: 3372 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0.00 ]
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Software : PocketPC
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Last update: Feb 18, 2025
Last update: Feb 18, 2025

Software :
ACARS ADS-B Android Antenna analysis Antenna rotor control APRS Audio Recorders Audio Streaming Awards tracking Beacon Monitoring Browser extensions Circuit Design Clip Art Collections Contesting D-STAR Databases Decoders Digital SSTV Digital Voice DRM DSP DX Cluster EME Filter Design Front Panel Design Grid Bearing and Maps Ham Exam Hellschreiber Internet Linking iPhone JT65 Linux Log Analysis Log Converters Logging Low Frequency Macintosh Morse Code Decoders Morse Code Training Multimode Navtex NBEMS Olivia Oscilloscope Packet Packet Cluster PalmOS PIC Programmer Pocket PC * Propagation PSK31 QSL Radio Control Radio Programming Repeater Control RF Coverage Mapping RTTY Satellite tracking Shortwave Signal Generator Software Defined Radio Spectrum analyzers SSTV Time Utilities Vector Network Analyzer Virtual Audio Software Voice Keyer Voice tools Weak Signal Weather and FAX
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Pocket Sat Tracker 2008
DXCluster for Pocket PC
Top Rated Pocket Sat Tracker 2008 PPCMorse SatCE Big Fat Tail Productions APRS/CE Pocket PC Ham radio APRS
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